- Steve Gruber - https://www.stevegruber.com -

Steve Gruber, Making citizenship Great Again—and making citizenship actually mean something again

Here are 3 big things you need to know right now—


Number One— The outrage of an illegal alien setting a woman on fire and then fanning the flames on a New York City Subway car—while onlookers did nothing at all—is still on the minds of millions—


Number Two— In a late attempt to destroy the country—Democrats have pushed Social Security closer to bankruptcy—by appeasing the labor unions—AND nobody seems to care very much—well, I do—and I will tell you about it today—


Number Three— Well I hope you had a marvelous Christmas—Ivey and I had a spectacular day with family—and look to visit with more friends and extended family in the coming days—and I hope you are as blessed as we are—