- Steve Gruber - https://www.stevegruber.com -

Steve Gruber, Trump could have stayed on message better- but he was authentic

Kicking off another brand new hour of the Steve Gruber show–from the heart of America in Studio G–


I’m here telling you the truth and fighting every day from the Foxhole of Freedom–


Here are the 3 Big things you need to know this hour—


Number One— Can the chemicals in Doritos turn mice see through—well oddly the answer seems to be yes—BOY that must be healthy to eat huh? Yeah I will have more on that coming up—


Number Two— I had not wasted my time on the whole Tyreek Hill arrest drama—and all the non-sense and finger pointing—lets get to it—he was wrong and deserved to be taken down and hand-cuffed—period—he was going 100 for starters I mean come on—


Number Three— The debate in Philly—