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Steve Gruber, The vile rhetoric is the play by the left

Kicking off another brand new hour of the Steve Gruber show–from the heart of America in Studio G–


I’m here telling you the truth and fighting every day from the Foxhole of Freedom–


Here are the 3 Big things you need to know this hour—


Number One— A big rate cut from the Fed coming at 2pm—and it is timing out to help Kamala Harris—exactly as I said it would—its all by design to help the weakest candidate of my life to get over the hump— no pun intended—


Number Two— Donald Trump burning up the track—yesterday a townhall in Flint Michigan—today an event in New York—yes New York—where he thinks he can win—


Number Three— The vile rhetoric is the play by the left. They call Donald Trump every name in the book and call him a dictator—Hitler, Musolini—and worse—