- Steve Gruber - https://www.stevegruber.com -

Steve Gruber, Hot comments from all over America on Free Speech Friday

Kicking off another brand new hour of the Steve Gruber show–from the heart of America in Studio G–


I’m here telling you the truth and fighting every day from the Foxhole of Freedom–


Here are the 3 Big things you need to know this hour—


Number One— The Walz family against Walz is growing—as more of the Minnesota Governors relatives—dump all over him and join the effort to get Donald Trump re-elected—funny the people that know him best—say Walz is the worst!


Number Two— Local reporters in Pennsylvania were told—they were not allowed to ask VP candidate Tim Walz anything—I mean they are all hiding—I mean—they want all the power—and none of the questions—


Number Three— It’s time to get that Patriot Mobile Common Sense Hotline 877-310-9966—all fired up again with hot comments from all over America—