- Steve Gruber - https://www.stevegruber.com -

Steve Gruber, Armed assassin within shooting range of the former President

Starting another Brand-New Hour– of The Steve Gruber Show–Coming to you Live from the heart of America in Studio G—


I am fighting for you and this country from the foxhole of freedom and will do whatever it takes to save America, every, single day! Get ready for another FREE SPEECH EXTRAVAGANZA!!!


Here are the three big things to know this hour—


Number One— Kamala Harris tried to give an interview on Friday—and it was an utter disaster—I mean an unmitigated word salad wipeout—and once again—other than a couple of handouts—there is NOTHING here—NOTHING!


Number Two— I was with Ivey yesterday watching the new Reagan movie and it was great—and the assassination scenes were really powerful—little did I know what was happening at that very moment—


Number Three— Yeah I had no idea that for the second time in as many months—an armed assassin would get within shooting range of the former President—