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Dr Hadar Elbaz, Why don’t we spend more time helping prevent the need for a cure?

Dr Hadar Elbaz, DACM, AP, Diplo.O.M., Director of Functional Medicine TWC, twc.health/GRUBER. promo code: GRUBER.

1. With RFK Jr out of the race for President – and supporting Donald Trump – it
appears the choice between the candidates on medical freedom issues is a stark one. What are your thoughts?

2. There was a study out recently that said President Trump’s plan to distribute
hydroxychloroquine during the pandemic could have saved millions of lives and
avoiding spending trillions of dollars. Why do you think the medical establishment
denigrated HCQ?

3. Do you think its possible – if Harris and Walz are elected – that we could see the
banning of successful prescription treatments like hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin?

4. Do hydroxychloroquine and/or ivermectin have uses beyond early treatment of

5. Do you think that the government medical bureaucracy, big tech, the medical
establishment or big pharma will ever truly be held accountable for limiting access to
early treatment medications during COVID?