- Steve Gruber - https://www.stevegruber.com -

Steve Gruber, It is Free for All Friday—as we continue to work our way through calls from all over America

Kicking off another brand new hour of the Steve Gruber show—from the beating heart at the center of America in Studio G—


I will be telling you the truth and fighting every day from the Foxhole of Freedom—


And I will be honest, no matter how painful it is—let’s get to it—here are the 3 Big things you need to know this hour—


Number One— The near assassination of Donald Trump has many asking for answers while others are demanding more people get fired and the hiring practices get updated and improved—


Number Two— Joe Biden’s scheme to pack the Supreme Court and change the way things are done there—likely has little chance of getting traction as he is the lamest of lame ducks—but Democrats will try again—and again and again—


Number Three— It is Free for All Friday—as we continue to work our way through calls from all over America—and I love hearing from you on the Patriot Mobile Common Sense Hotline—