By Wayne Dupree | January 31, 2020

Sen. Elizabeth Warren and other Democrats have done more than any other group to divide the USA, make no mistake about it.

They are the ones who have led in dividing the country into “tribalism.” They are the ones who distinguished gay, straight, male, female, and all of the other fad genders. Rich, poor, capitalists, socialists, citizens, immigrants. They are the ones who have focused on these differences between Americans, highlighted those differences, stirred those differences against each other, and convinced many of these “tribes” that they are victims.

When I hear Democrats talk about “disinformation,” the hair on the back of my neck stands up. I am sick and tired of the hypocrisy. This nation is taking a beating because these politicians can’t play it straight to save their lives.

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Says the woman who has been lying most of her life. Someone who lied about being Native American to get into Harvard free, she is the last one who should talk about the spreading of false information.

This election campaign and the Impeachment of Donald Trump has shown us that even those who are incompetent can be elected to congress. We need stricter rules and psychological tests to weed out the phoneys. Also, we need a lot fewer lawyers.

There is a saying in business, “never let a lawyer or an accountant run your business.” That holds true even for Government.

Thank God for Rob Schneider, who isn’t afraid to hold Warren accountable.

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Great to see someone with a broad platform of followers call out the fools in our leadership roles. We follow each other on social media, so I like him even more.

The funnyman responded to a series of tweets sent by Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., on Wednesday in which the presidential hopeful urged big tech companies to “fight the spread of false information that disempowers voters and undermines democracy.

“The stakes of this election are too high. We need to fight the spread of false information that disempowers voters and undermines democracy. I’ll do my part—and I’m calling on my fellow candidates and big tech companies to do their part, too,” Warren’s tweet read, which certainly didn’t sit well with the comedian.

“Thank YOU @ewarren for treating Americans like we are so completely f—— stupid that we can’t think for ourselves,” Schneider wrote. “Luckily we have leaders like YOU who can tell us what to believe & how to vote. You are right:the stakes are too high to trust the people to decide for themselves.”

The comedian didn’t stop there and issued a follow up four hours later and accused Warren of being a champion of censorship and standing in the way of free speech. [Fox News]

Amid Warren’s tweetstorm, she also made a “pledge” that she would “not knowingly” use or spread false information to benefit her candidacy or to damage anyone else’s campaign. What? Did Warren not know she was not native American or the reason she was fired from her teaching job, or that her kids went to private school? Does anyone believe this lady? She’s as much a compulsive liar like Hillary Clinton and Adam Schiff.

Dems refuse to admit that they spread disinformation themselves and that there are two reasons Donald Trump beat Hillary, Barack Obama, and Hillary Clinton.

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These candidates are so desperate for an original idea they eschew qualifiers like is it legal, is it ethical, is it part of the American fabric that shaped this country for 245 yrs? They give themselves a safety zone that allows them to step over the boundaries into socialism. Those who attend the rally event would cheer wildly even if she announced a plan to confiscate all children under the age of three years old in the name of environmental concerns.

NONE of these candidates can pull off even one of their campaign promises. Expense is the number one hurdle, and social upheaval is a close second. They may as well give a speech that says, “If you elect me President I will create so much chaos in our country our boarders will collapse, and other countries will, out of European progressive doctrine, come to our aid and we will finally realize the Obama vision of becoming Europe.”

Schneider is absolutely correct. Yes, the internet is the wild west. That’s OK. Learn to not be so freaking gullible and check stuff out.

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