When Trump recently pulled off a PR stunt by working at a Pennsylvania McDonald’s – complete with a snazzy apron over his suit and tie – he sent the Democrats into a frenzy. The former president’s 15- minute shift making french fries and handing out drive-thru orders was intended to highlight his “down-to-earth” side – but it also served another purpose: exposing Kamala Harris’s tall tale about working at McDonald’s during her college years.

Trump didn’t hold back, quipping, “I’ve now worked for 15 minutes more than Kamala at McDonald’s.” While Trump’s shift was all about creating a memorable photo-op, it also triggered a burger-sized meltdown on the left. After all, the man they label as an “elitist,” a “threat to democracy,” and the next “Hitler” appeared charmingly relatable – something Kamala fails to do spectacularly. Who knew that all it took to make Trump a “man of the people” was some fries and a drive-thru headset?

Kamala’s “I did the French fries” line isn’t exactly convincing.

Kamala Harris’s claim about working at McDonald’s back in her college days has been more elusive than a McFlurry machine in full operation. First mentioned during her 2019 presidential run, she told workers on a Las Vegas picket line, “I did the French fries and I did the ice cream.” Then, in 2023, she doubled down on The Drew Barrymore Show, adding, “I did fries, then I did the cashier.”

Can the woman even dish out a normal sentence? She’s about as bad as Old Man Biden.

Kamala’s sudden McDonald’s backstory came out of nowhere, like a limited-time-only menu item. There’s no record of it in her two memoirs, job applications, or interviews from her 2010 Senate campaign.

What’s missing here? Well, everything. No photos of Kamala in a McDonald’s uniform, no manager to confirm her stint, no fellow employees recounting stories, no pay stub, no W-2 from the Biden IRS, not even a Happy Meal toy as a souvenir. Just a vague tale that might be as real as a Shamrock Shake in July.

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WHAT WE KNOW: If Kamala ACTUALLY worked at a McDonald’s, the Dems would be all over it and they would be giving us all kinds of proof. But there is none.

Where’s the beef? Kamala’s story faces scrutiny.

So here we are, two weeks out from the presidential election – not spending our time talking about illegal immigration, outrageous inflation or the insecurity of the United States. Instead we have “burger-gate” to deal with – because Kamala won’t put it to rest. But that’s because she CAN’T put it to rest.

The lack of evidence of Kamala Harris flipping burgers and making fries is as noticeable as a blinking McDonald’s “special of the day” menu. And the story changes faster than a suspect trying to dodge a murder charge. Initially, her campaign spun it as a job to help pay for college (as someone who actually worked at McDonald’s in the ’80s, I call that a “whopper” of a tale), but now it’s downgraded to a job that she got for some “spending money.” Even the New York Times couldn’t nail down the details, only mentioning that Kamala supposedly worked a summer job in the Bay Area.

In comparison, former President Obama’s ice cream scooping days at Baskin-Robbins are well documented – complete with the store address, photos, and even manager interviews. Kamala, on the other hand, has a McStory without a McReceipt.

Kamala’s McMystery: a big Mac of a problem for the Dems.

Why does this story matter? Because it highlights a pattern: Democrats lie, and Kamala Harris is no exception. She’s out of touch with everyday Americans, so has she spun a story to seem relatable – a classic move among Democrats. They often get away with it, rarely facing the music even when their lies are exposed.

So now the Democrats are scrambling to protect Kamala’s McImage, but Trump’s fry-filled stunt made it clear that Kamala’s story doesn’t hold up to scrutiny. For now, Kamala’s claims will continue to simmer, much like a burger patty on the grill – until someone finally finds the McEvidence…if it ever existed in the first place.

Who would have guessed that a carton of fries could be the October surprise that might topple a tyrannical leftist Democrat?