The Democrats and their leftist media pals have been going wild with their accusations that Trump gave Russian President Vladimir Putin Covid supplies when he was president. The “revelation” comes from Bob Woodward’s new book called “War.”

In his book, he writes that Trump “secretly sent Putin a bunch of Abbott Point of Care Covid test machines for his personal use.”

“Please don’t tell anybody you sent these to me,” Putin said to Trump, according to Woodward.

“I don’t care,” Trump replied. “Fine.”

“No, no,” Putin said. “I don’t want you to tell anybody because people will get mad at you, not me. They don’t care about me.”

In addition to the fact that we’re supposed to believe what Woodward has to say about Trump (which I don’t), we also are supposed to take Putin’s word for what transpired. Yes, CNN has said that a Kremlin spokesperson confirmed that the Trump administration “sent us several samples of test kits.”

Trump says the reports are false – Gov. Whitmer disagrees.

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Despite Trump’s denials about this happening, not to mention the questionable credibility of Woodward and Putin, Michigan’s Democratic Governor Gretchen Whitmer seems unconvinced with Trump’s denials. She’s made it clear she’s siding with the Putin/Woodward camp.

What Gov. Whitmer said.

In an official statement from the governor office (in a joint statement with Democratic Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers and Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker) Gov. Whitmer has responded to the report that Trump sent Covid supplies to Putin while rebuffing American pleas for assistance.

Gov. Whitmer said, “Four years ago, during the very worst of the COVID-19 pandemic, as Governors of our states, we were engaged in a 24/7 effort to obtain critical medical supplies for our people. It was a terrifying time, and the federal government abandoned us to fend for ourselves. No one knew how deadly the pandemic would turn out to be, and our hospitals were struggling to treat patients and protect their staff.”

Whitmer’s statement went on to say, “The federal government, under the leadership of then-President Donald Trump, had completely abdicated responsibility. They ignored our requests for help to get testing kits, ventilators, and N-95 masks. As we grappled with worldwide shortages, the former President flat out refused to deploy the Defense Production Act to manufacture these critical supplies here at home, putting our people at the mercy of price gouging foreign suppliers.”

Whitmer’s statement ended by saying, “Former President Trump betrayed us. Americans suffered during the pandemic. 1.2 million Americans died, many because they did not have access to adequate supplies at a critical time. Donald Trump must explain why he put his personal friendship with Putin, a ruthless dictator and war criminal, over the American people.”

The new Whitmer/Putin alliance.

Whitmer, in true dramatic fashion, claims Trump’s bromance with Putin has threatened our national security. But the irony here? Whitmer’s administration is now backing Putin’s version of events against a former American president.

So, with the Governor appearing to be all-in with “Team Putin” on this, I have to wonder how exactly her behavior is making America “secure” since Putin isn’t exactly pro-American.

Is Whitmer pro-American? Inquiring minds want to know.