You’ve seen them – the bold and hungry grape snatchers lurking near the produce section. They casually pluck a few grapes, pop them in their mouths, and and wander away as if nothing happened.

Sure, it seems innocent enough, but let’s be real: Is it really okay to taste-test your way through a bag of grapes that you haven’t paid for? The answer is simple. Nope. And it’s not just OTHER people who are stealing the grapes. You’ve done it too – and justified it as a “sample” to make sure that the grapes are worthy of buying.

Would you bite into a Snickers before you buy it? Don’t think so.

Why do people (and you) think produce is fair game for a free snack when it’s basically the same as munching on anything else in the store? Would you rip open a bag of chips and sample a handful to see if they’re “fresh”? Or maybe guzzle a soda to check for fizz levels? No? Then why is fruit, especially grapes, somehow exempt from the basic principles of not stealing?

Quality control… just a fancy way of saying “thief.”

Some folks call it “quality control,” but that’s just a convenient excuse for “I don’t want to spend $3.99 on a bunch of sour grapes.” The truth is, we’ve all been burned by bad fruit, but that doesn’t give us a free pass to channel our inner bandit. Guess what? Most grocery stores have this magical thing called a return policy. If you take the grapes home and they’re not up to par, you can get your money back – no sticky fingers required.

The real cost of those stolen grapes.

Each little grape you sneak adds up. If everyone thought it was okay to pinch a grape or two (or five), soon, prices for all of us might spike. And stores are already struggling enough under the Harris- Biden economy. So next time you’re tempted to sample a grape or two in the grocery store, just remember: It’s not “taste testing.” It’s stealing, no matter how sweet (or sour) the crime feels.

And even if you live in a Democrat city – or a state like California – that allows you to steal up to almost $1,000 worth of merchandise without getting arrested for a felony, you can still let a little thing called your conscience guide you into not shoplifting.

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While your grape heist is unlikely to lead to severe legal consequences, it’s still wrong to consume something you haven’t paid for – especially if you also abscond with some fried chicken and a strawberry pie to go along with your snack.