In Michigan, there are approximately 1.7 million registered conservative voters who cast their ballots less than half of the time. With critical elections around the corner, the group behind 10xVotes believes that energizing these low-propensity voters could be the game-changer.

Tucker Carlson’s recent endorsement of the 10xVotes initiative when he was in Grand Rapids recently has added momentum to the movement, encouraging Republicans to focus on those who already share their values but need a nudge to head to the polls.

The strategy – rally your inner circle.

10xVotes, currently just a Michigan group, aims to turn the state’s conservative sporadic voters into consistent participants, focusing on a grassroots approach. Instead of reaching out to random voters, the organization empowers individuals to engage their own personal networks.

The idea is simple: find 10 friends, family members, or neighbors who are less than 50% likely to vote, and convince them to show up on Election Day.

Tools for turning out voters.

The real beauty of 10xVotes is its simplicity. After signing up, users gain access to a database of these low-propensity voters, allowing them to search by name and county. Armed with this data, users can easily reach out to people they know, like a cousin or a co-worker, and hold them accountable for casting their vote.

“It becomes this personal level accountability and personal responsibility,” 10xVotes co-founder Drew Born told Gruber.

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Born explained when he was on the Steve Gruber Show that if everyone who participates can get 10 people to the polls, there will be a massive shift in the election. And it’s easy, he tells Gruber: “Instead of scrolling on X or Facebook or whatever, I could spend ten to 15 min going through, you know, my friend list, my meetings for the week, whatever it is, and say, ‘hey, who’s not voting.’”

Beyond 2024 – building a conservative future.

While the immediate goal is boosting voter turnout for the 2024 elections, 10xVotes is aiming for long- term success – and also to expand into other states. By focusing on absentee ballots and early voting, they also hope to make voting as easy as possible for conservatives who might struggle to make it to the polls on Election Day. Born told Gruber that it’s not just about one election, it’s about building an infrastructure for the future.

With an easy-to-use platform and the endorsement of major conservative voices, 10xVotes is gearing up to change the election game in the state. They know the stakes are high – and this group believes Michigan’s conservatives can rise to the challenge, one vote at a time.