In a showdown worthy of a wild Western movie, a coalition of 16 Republican-led states, spearheaded by Texas, has saddled up to sue the Biden-Harris administration over its latest immigration gambit. The contentious “Parole in Place” program, which smells suspiciously like a pathway to citizenship for illegal aliens, has the GOP seeing red.

The Republican states, rounding up their legal horses, are arguing that Biden is bypassing Congress and handing out green cards like candy on Halloween.

The suit accuses the Biden administration of using the program for “political” purposes and claims the scheme will do nothing but incentivize more illegal immigration, putting the plaintiff states in a tight spot.

The administration, of course, is ready to dig its spurs in and defend their anti-American pro-illegal alien policy, citing once again their B.S. claim that Republicans are the ones who are interested in playing politics with the border.

Green cards for all – well, almost.

Under Biden’s new program, spouses of American citizens can stay in the country legally, apply for a green card, and mosey on down the path to citizenship. To qualify, these lovebirds must have been in the U.S. for at least 10 years, sport a clean criminal record, and have tied the knot with their American partner before June 17th.

Seems simple enough – but critics say this program is more of a band-aid on a broken bone – an unlawful workaround that spits in the face of the legal immigration process and paroles illegal aliens “en masse.” They also argue that it’s an open invitation for more folks to hop the border.

Republicans cry foul.

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The coalition of states, with Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton at the helm, has declared that the administration is “actively working to turn the United States into a nation without borders and a country without laws..” Strong words, but then again, everything’s bigger in Texas – including the rhetoric.

Stephen Miller, the president of America First Legal, has also chimed in with his own brand of fiery language, accusing the Biden-Harris team of pushing an “open borders agenda” that will turn the immigration crisis into a full-blown catastrophe. According to Miller, this is nothing short of a “deadly accelerant” to the ongoing border invasion.