In a move that screams “damage control,” President Joe Biden is dragging himself to Michigan after a debate performance that can only be described as a train wreck. Yes, folks, he’ll be back in Detroit on Friday for his fourth visit this year, desperately trying to pick up the pieces after his cringeworthy showing against Republican demigod Donald Trump.

But most folks aren’t convinced that Biden’s visit is going to recruit more voters or make anyone think that he’s the best candidate to run for office (let alone BE in office.) But when you’re a Biden in political quicksand, the only thing to do is to sink deeper as you pretend you aren’t actually in quicksand.

Biden’s blundering tour.

Since the infamous June 27th debate, Biden’s campaign has been in full-on panic mode. Remember that facepalm-worthy line, “We finally beat Medicare”? Yeah, that gem sparked a firestorm of criticism from everyone and their grandmother. Appearances on TV and interviews on the radio since then haven’t gone much better and most of the Democratic Party is ready to kick old man Biden to the curb. However, wifey Jill has been sending the requests back as “non-deliverable.”

Meanwhile, pundits are howling, media’s roasting, donors are ghosting, and even five Democratic House members are suggesting it might be time for Grandpa Joe to hang it up. But Biden, ever the optimist, refuses to read the room. So what’s going to happen? Pretty soon, we’re probably going to hear about all of the stories that the media has known about concerning Biden and have covered up – because it’ll be the only way to get rid of him.

Biden defiantly posted on social media recently, “I’m not letting one 90-minute debate wipe out three and a half years of work” as if sheer stubbornness could erase his gaffes and total incompetence.

“I’m staying in the race, and I will beat Donald Trump,” he has proclaimed – probably while his campaign staff collectively sighed and started polishing their resumes.

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He also sent a letter to House Democrats saying, “I want you to know that despite all the speculation in the press and elsewhere, I am firmly committed to staying in this race, to running this race to the end, and to beating Donald Trump.”

Doubling down on his stubbornness to not give up his power, Biden insists he’s the only one who can save us from another Trumpocalypse, saying unconvincingly on X, “I beat Trump in 2020. I’m going to beat him again in 2024.”

In a recent chat with George Stephanopoulos, Biden declared, “I convinced myself of two things: I’m the most qualified person to beat him, and I know how to get things done.” Self-confidence is great, Joe, but maybe convincing others should be your next step.

Biden’s Michigan “Hail Mary.”

As Biden gears up to visit southeast Michigan, a region not exactly known for its love of all things Biden, he faces an uphill battle. This area, a hotbed for anti-Israel protests and tepid support, saw over 100,000 Democratic primary voters opt for “uncommitted” rather than backing Biden. And that happened before his apocalyptic debate.

Also, amazingly enough, Biden said during his ABC interview that only the “Lord Almighty” could convince him to drop out of the race. We’ll just have to see how long it takes that “Lord” (Obama) to give old man Biden the boot.

In the meantime, we get to watch President Biden try to salvage his floundering campaign in a state that he won last time around by a slim margin. As we brace for another election circus, Biden’s itinerary looks like a desperate tour guide’s list: Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and of course, Michigan, all for the golden prize of a combined 44 electoral votes. However, between Biden’s “uncommitted” anti-Israel voters and the ones he lost during the debate, his chances of winning Michigan’s 15 elector votes are practically nil at this point.