In a move that has everyone shaking their heads (except his own party), President Biden has rolled out the red carpet for illegal aliens, offering them a slew of perks while seemingly trying to ensure they become future Democrat voters.

New executive action lets illegal aliens apply for residency without leaving U.S.

The latest stunt from the Biden Administration involves an executive action that allows certain non- citizen spouses and children to apply for lawful permanent residence without having to leave the country.

It’s like an Oprah episode: “You get a green card, and you get a green card, and you get a green card!!” All without that pesky need for congressional approval. Because who needs checks and balances when you’re on a mission to fundamentally change the electorate, right?

Republican House Speaker not impressed.

House Speaker Mike Johnson is sounding the alarm, saying Biden’s latest executive action will only encourage more illegal immigration and undermine national security.

Johnson isn’t holding back, tearing into Biden’s plan with gusto. “Just two weeks ago, the president pretended to crack down on the open-border catastrophe by engaging an election-year border charade, Johnson said. “Now he’s trying to play both sides and is granting amnesty to hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens.”

Johnson added, “The president may think our homeland security is some kind of game that he can try to use for political points, but Americans know this amnesty plan will only incentivize more illegal immigration and endanger Americans.”

It’s all about votes, votes, votes.

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He also adds that the order is “proof-positive of the Democrats’ plan to turn illegal aliens into voters.”

No kidding.

Legal action is likely to be forthcoming, but it will be too late to have a significant impact.

It’s not just a matter of policy for Johnson; it’s a flagrant violation of the Immigration and Naturalization Act. He predicts that Biden’s executive action will be “challenged and struck down in the courts.”

But let’s be real – by the time the courts get around to it, the damage will have already been done including having waves of new arrivals flocking to the U.S. in hopes of cashing in on the president’s generosity.

According to the White House, this action will “protect” about half a million spouses of U.S. citizens and roughly 50,000 noncitizen children under the age of 21.

So here we are, watching Biden distribute amnesty as if it were Halloween candy, blatantly disregarding the Constitution and the rule of law. He prioritizes the welfare and comfort of illegal aliens on a daily basis in exchange for future votes while Americans endure rising crime, inflation, and more misery and distress under his presidency.