In a scene reminiscent of a befuddled traveler lost in a maze of train schedules, President Joe Biden stumbled through a press conference recently alongside Kenyan President William Ruto, leaving spectators and reporters scratching their heads and wondering if they had boarded the wrong political express – because Biden certainly wasn’t coherently answering their questions.

As the conference chugged along, Biden, resembling a passenger desperately searching for the exit, repeatedly sought stage directions, asking, “Is that it?” in response to the flurry of questions hurled at him by both U.S. and Kenyan media.

Too many reporters and too many questions for Dementia Joe.

The Daily Mail reported on a bumbling president who was struggling to keep pace with the journalists’ inquiries. Biden found himself derailed multiple times when confronted with a barrage of questions, including one about Haiti, prompting him to fumble for his bearings.

With the finesse of a commuter grasping for the emergency brake, the president tried to limit the interrogation to a single query, albeit unsuccessfully.

Reading from notes was helpful for a bit.

Like a conductor consulting a timetable, Biden resorted to reading from printed notes, injecting his responses with the occasional platitude, as if hoping to keep the conversation on track. But as the locomotive of questions barreled forward, it became evident that the president was headed for a collision course.

Members of the press, starved for the opportunity to grill the president in a traditional press conference format, were left unsatisfied by the scripted exchange.

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A few intrepid reporters, akin to passengers jostling for a coveted window seat, seized the moment to shout simultaneous inquiries, leaving Biden visibly flustered and grasping for handrails.

A confused elderly president can’t keep up.

“What was my question?” the feeble and confused president asked.

Amid the chaos, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre assumed the role of stationmaster, signaling an end to the spectacle before Biden could be dragged further off course.