We’ve waited a long time to see justice for the 2016 #SpyGate scandal. Years. Nearly half a decade, actually, but according to a new interview by Mr. Barr, we could begin to see some “justice” before the end of summer.

Before the end of summer…That’s a couple of months away…and speaking of that…


Looks like Trump is about on the same time-table as Barr, give or take a month.

During a Fox News interview with Maria Bartiromo, Barr said that there soon may be “developments” in  John Durham’s investigation into the origins of the hoax Russian probe.

“In terms of the future of Durham’s investigation, you know he’s pressing ahead as hard as he can, and I expect that we will have some developments hopefully before the end of the summer,” Barr said.

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Barr said that Durham’s investigation has been impeded by the coronavirus. Bartiromo then asked about a grand jury, but Barr declined to divulge whether one has been impaneled.

“I don’t want to suggest there has been or is a grand jury, but it is a fact that there have not been grand juries in virtually all districts for a long period of time, and also people have been reluctant to travel for interviews and things like that,” Barr said.

Durham has “been working where he can on other matters that aren’t affected by the pandemic. But there has been an effect,” Barr stated.

You can watch the video below:

This is a great boost for team morale.

All good things come to those who wait..and we are righteous,  so justice will be coming.


This piece was written by Missy Crane on June 22, 2020. It originally appeared in WayneDupree.com and is used by permission.

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