It has just been revealed that in the new installment of the Looney Tunes cartoon Elmer Fudd, which is set to premiere on HBO Max, the iconic character will not be using a gun.

“We’re not doing guns,” the show’s executive producer Peter Browngardt told The New York Times. “But, we can do cartoony violence — TNT, the Acme stuff. All that was kind of grandfathered in.”

Warner Bros., the company that is producing this show, released a clip showing Elmer Fudd using a scythe (rather than a gun) to try and catch Bugs Bunny. Show-runners explained that gun violence specifically was the reason that this change was made.

The new show aims to give the cartoon’s classic characters a modern “woke” edge. “Some of them have maybe gone a little too far, so they might come out in a different format,” Browngardt explained. While there won’t be any guns in the show, Browngardt said that they will be trying to stick to the original material of the show as much as possible. “I always thought, ‘What if Warner Bros had never stopped making Looney Tunes cartoons?” he added. “As much as we possibly could, we treated the production in that way.”

Storyboard artist Jo Ryan confessed that the series is the exact opposite of a supposed wave of anti-bullying throughout America, according to Breitbart News. “We’re going through this wave of anti-bullying, everybody needs to be friends, everybody needs to get along,” he said. “Looney Tunes is pretty much the antithesis of that. It’s two characters in conflict, sometimes getting pretty violent.”

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It’s sad to see that a beloved show that so many of us grew up with is now being put through the so-called “woke” ringer by radical Hollywood liberals. I would personally much rather show my children the reruns of old Elmer Fudd cartoons (where he had Second Amendment rights) than expose them to some “woke” version of the character.

This piece was written by PopZette Staff on June 8, 2020. It originally appeared in LifeZette and is used by permission.

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