When a guy likes a girl, most women expect the guy to be straight forward and show them how they feel. At the least, they expect the guy to ask them out. But not all guys work that way.
Some guys are more shy and just don’t have the courage to be that direct. That doesn’t mean they aren’t tough guys, but by nature they are just more shy and have trouble fessing up their feelings.
These guys may seem to be sending mix signals, but it isn’t just to play with your mind. Instead, if you pay close attention, you can probably figure out that the guy is really into you.
Their body language will show that they are really into you. So check out these 15 signs that he really is into you much more than you might think. You might be surprised who has had their eye on you.
1) You can feel his eyes on you when you’re not watching.

While he doesn’t want to be caught admiring you, he still probably is checking you out from a distance. When you feel his eyes on you and turn to look, he’ll likely look away. He knows getting caught looking at you will be a dead giveaway if he gets caught.
2) His face lights up when you enter the room.

It might be a shy smile, but he can’t help but smile every time he catches a glimpse of you. He might even start acting different when you’re around. That ear to ear smile is a dead giveaway that radiates just how happy he is just by seeing you.
3) He is at your service.

Even if you don’t ask him to do anything, he will go out of his way to please you anyway. He brings you coffee, or secretly leaves your favorite cupcake on your desk. If you’re lucky he’ll help you with little things like pumping your gas or lending a hand with the dishes. While he’s not good at saying how he feels, these simple gestures are his way of showing his feelings for you.
4) He will start socializing with you more.

Socializing isn’t really his thing, but if it means seeing you, he’ll do it anyway. He likely has a pretty small, tight circle of friends, but he will spread that circle to include you if he can. Again, actions speak louder than words and he’s fighting his insecurities to spend time being close to you.