By Court Anderson | February 5, 2020

Mitt Romney, YouTube

Without evidence, without anything but hearsay as accusation, Willard “Mitt” Romney (?-UT) has decided to convict President Donald Trump on one of the two articles of impeachment, Abuse of Power.

While it comes as no surprise–Romney has been a vocal critic of Trump for all but the ten minutes he was under consideration for a cabinet position.

That said, it’s a disappointment to the GOP. Romney will likely be the sole senator who is (nominally) Republican to break ranks. From a legal standpoint, there is no question Trump should be acquitted, so Romney chose to look to a higher power, claiming sleeplessness over his “oath to God” prevented him from acquitting.

He appeared to hold back tears while making his announcement in the Senate chambers.

It’s unseemly to question another man’s faith, and CD Media will refrain from doing so. However, it is historically a convenient refuge for scoundrels when their backs are against the wall.

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In any case, it’s difficult to reconcile this appeal to faith given Romney’s recent Twitter scandal. The senator was exposed as “Pierre Delecto,” a burner account he used to disparage Trump and support comments made in his official account.

Good luck out there, Mittens. God is the final judge, but in the meantime, you have to live among the people.

This piece originally appeared on and is used by permission.

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