In a scene straight out of a daytime soap, two female council members in Fort Myers, Florida wept during a city meeting, visibly distressed over the idea that local police would partner with ICE for immigration enforcement.

The agreement, called the “Memorandum of Agreement between United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and the Fort Myers Police Department (Chief Jason Fields, Police)” says “The purpose of this MOA is to set forth the terms and conditions pursuant to selected Fort Myers Police Department personnel that will be nominated, trained, and therefore be approved by ICE to perform certain functions of an immigration officer under the direction and supervision of ICE within the Fort Myers Police Department’s jurisdiction.”

The full council, after voting, ended up deadlocked, 3-3, leaving the fate of common-sense enforcement stuck in emotional limbo, and leading councilman Liston Bochette to ask for a “workshop” to discuss the issue more in the future.

Councilwomen Darla Bonk and Diana Giraldo held hands in tears, sobbing dramatically as if they had just watched the series finale of Grey’s Anatomy. Their main argument? ICE bad. Illegal aliens good. A third women voted no on the memo to make the tie.

Giraldo held Bonk’s hand and said a the meeting, “I can’t stand behind this as an immigrant, the only immigrant sitting in this council.”

You can watch the spectacle here:

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AND YES, I CAN SAY THIS BECAUSE I AM A WOMAN: When you look at all the wild woke nonsense happening across the country, it’s clear that women – and a few spineless men – are often driving it. Sometimes it makes me wish we could rewind history and rethink the 19th Amendment.

If cooperating with ICE to detain dangerous criminals is too scary, what’s next – sending them a sternly worded letter and a stress ball?