Democratic protesters are having a rough go of it. These Leftist nut jobs who have turned political events into impromptu scream sessions with their bad manners, are now fuming because some Republican lawmakers have decided to take the show off the road – and onto the phone and computer via Zoom.

That’s right, instead of showing up at public town halls to be harassed and berated by the same crowd that can’t even clap on beat, GOP politicians are dialing it in with tele-town halls. And judging by the left’s reaction, you’d think Republicans had personally canceled Christmas.

Maybe these Leftist geniuses shouldn’t have announced so publicly about their coordinated strategy to infiltrate town halls in Republican districts. Hm… If you’re going to ambush people, maybe you shouldn’t advertise it ahead of time.

The head of the House GOP’s campaign committee has actually told Republican lawmakers to halt in-person town halls as ginned-up Democrat outrage grows over DOGE, Elon Musk and budget cuts made by President Donald Trump’s administration.

“They’re dodging accountability!” cry the same folks who think “accountability” means shouting down anyone with an “R” next to their name and chasing anyone with a MAGA hat out of a restaurant.

Town halls aren’t audition reels for cable news punditry or to make someone a TikTok star but that’s how the Democrats are treating them. This coordinated effort to harass Republicans and post about it on Leftist platforms is blatantly obvious.

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The game: harass and swear at Republicans, make a viral video, get the Leftist media to report on it – and if the Republicans don’t show up to town halls, advertise that too – with giant billboards and complaints all over social media. When you have no message, you protest and yell. That continues to be what the Democrats are doing. Sadly, even Leftist veterans are getting in on the act.

Speaker Mike Johnson told reporters what’s really going on with the protesters, saying, ”There are people who do this as a profession, they’re professional protesters.” He also suggested that tele-town halls were a better way for members to connect with constituents (safely).

I suppose the one bright side of all of this is that the Leftist are not going all-out terrorist-crazy like during the George Floyd riots, setting fires and attacking people. However, they’re also not showing up to town halls to have civil discussions with their representatives. Instead, they’re turning these events into something straight out of a Jerry Springer episode.