Forget the cartels, border jumpers, child predators and sex traffickers – Andrea Burney-Obershaw wants cops chasing soccer dads and PTA moms instead.

In one of the more disconcerting moments of 2025 so far in Michigan, Bay City Commissioner Andrea Burney-Obershaw has decided to turn crime-fighting into a game of racial Bingo. At a recent meeting, Burney-Obershaw boldly proclaimed that local police should not cooperate with ICE and should instead crack down on “white crime.”

Yes, while crime statistics continue to show rising rates of fentanyl trafficking, human smuggling, and other serious offenses linked to illegal aliens across the country, Burney-Obershaw would rather have officers chasing down Chad from accounting because his recycling bin had an empty Chardonnay bottle and a pizza box.

Burney-Obershaw said during a March 17th meeting, “We need to be informed of ‘white crime.’ Immigrants are not doing these crimes. These are privileged white people that have done these crimes in the past month. Not immigrants. We don’t need to deputize these officers for immigration. This is ‘white crime’. Not immigrants.”

Apparently, the string of robberies, assaults, and trafficking cases happening nationwide must be the work of Karen and Todd from the cul-de-sac, fresh off a round of golf and plotting their next sinister bake sale.

It’s unclear which “white crimes” Burney-Obershaw wants the police to focus on among the so-called “privileged” – jaywalking in boat shoes? Insider trading at the yacht club? Or maybe an aggressive HOA meeting?

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Even more tone-deaf is Burney-Obershaw’s push to prevent local police from working with ICE, just as border states are buckling under the weight of illegal alien-related crime spikes. Michigan might be a long haul from the Rio Grande, but drug routes and trafficking operations don’t seem to care about zip codes.

The city of Bay City seems to support her attitude. The City Commission approved a resolution declaring it will not assist federal authorities with immigration matters unless compelled to do so by law. However, the mayor vetoed this resolution citing federal funding concerns.

But does the Commission support Burney-Obershaw’s other antics? According to Michigan News Source, Burney-Obershaw drew attention on March 3rd when she lashed out at fellow commissioner Stephen Prince during a meeting, angry over a possible censure for a prior online attack against him, according to WNEM. She left the meeting with a police escort. Just months earlier, in December 2023, Burney-Obershaw was convicted of misdemeanor domestic violence for assaulting her sister at a family home, WJRT reported.

With a résumé that now includes cursing out colleagues, dodging domestic violence headlines, and waging a crusade against “white crime,” Burney-Obershaw seems less like a city commissioner and more like a reality show contestant who wandered into government.