In a historic blowout that appears to be on track to defy all of the experts’ predictions of a close race, Donald J. Trump has soared back to the White House. It wasn’t a nail-biter or a photo finish – it was an undeniable rout.
The Phoenix has risen, as “45” prepares to become 47. Sitting pretty with enough electoral votes to win the presidency without even counting Michigan and Arizona, Trump’s win appears to be a historic LANDSLIDE. So BIGLY in fact, that he’s even on track to win the popular vote.
For those of you who didn’t stay up until 2:30 a.m., here’s Trump’s “acceptance” speech.
MORE NEWS: Trump Shuts Down Government Abortion Website
Kamala, unsurprisingly, took the Hillary Clinton route and abandoned her voters early when she saw that the writing was on the wall, sending a stand-in to tell her supporters that she wouldn’t be speaking to them last night.
Arizona and MICHIGAN (of course) don’t have their numbers in yet. But they are not even needed because Trump already has enough electoral votes to win the presidency.
Yes, there is a God – and America is saved. Or at the very least, the tyranny that is the Democratic Party is slowed down for at least four years.
Earth to Democrats: no one wants any of the Democratic chicks you have chosen to be your presidential candidates. You’ve come up with two unlikable female candidates – two LOSING CANDIDATES. Stop already.
There’s the female ladybug on my deck, the female dog down the road and the female bird that flew by this morning…All more qualified to be president than Kamala or Hillary. You get the picture. Your candidates suck.
Do we mind having a woman president? No. Do we mind having a woman president of color? No.
I can think of a thousand women more qualified than Hillary and Kamala.
Condoleeza Rice, Nikki Haley, Kristi Noem and Sarah Huckabee Sanders come to mind – just to name a few.
When your sucky female candidates were put up against Orange Man Bad, as awful as he is portrayed to be by the Democrats and your leftist co-conspirators, Americans still chose the Donster over the fascist fake McDonald’s worker.
So, what did we learn, Democrats? It’s not about gender or color – it’s about the candidate. And policies. America wants a leader, not a lecture – and a candidate who doesn’t need a Google doc to answer a question.
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