- Steve Gruber - https://www.stevegruber.com -

Would You Like Fries With That? Apparently Not Under the Harris-Biden Regime.

In a move that feels like a slap to the face of comfort food lovers everywhere, according to the New York Post [1], a major McDonald’s french fry supplier is trimming down its workforce.

Yes, apparently, even spuds aren’t safe from the economic wizardry of the Harris-Biden administration. As inflation soars, demand drops, and now our beloved french fries are paying the price.

Turning fries into fine dining.

Inflation has turned what was once an affordable side dish into a golden treasure, with a large carton of fries now costing almost as much as a car payment.

Who’s to blame? The usual suspects: Bidenomics and its sidekick Harris-omics. With each economic decision squeezing wallets tighter, Americans are now faced with the question of whether they can afford to indulge in an order of fries when the fast food menu they drive up to has gourmet food pricing staring back at them.

French fry fallout: the domino effect of economic genius.

As the McDonald’s supplier faces job cuts, we realize it’s not just a potato problem – it’s a symptom of the bigger economic mess. The “brilliance” of our current administration’s policies has finally reached our fry baskets, proving that when Bidenomics and Harris-omics get cooking, the end result is a recipe for disaster.