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Want Safe Tenants Who Will Pay Their Rent? Biden-Harris DOJ Says Too Bad for You!

If you’re a landlord who believes that a criminal background check is a good way to protect your property and tenants, well, the Biden-Harris DOJ just called you racist.

The Gateway Pundit reports [1] that the Justice Department is coming down hard on landlords who dare to prioritize safety, arguing that background checks perpetuate racial disparities.

Criminal background checks are now “racist.”

The Biden-Harris DOJ recently launched a lawsuit against Suburban Heights Apartments in Kinloch, Missouri, for using criminal background checks as part of their tenant screening process. They did so because they are a “student village” and want their young renters to be safe.

According to federal prosecutors, this policy unfairly targets Black applicants due to higher incarceration rates. In case you missed it, criminals are now apparently a protected class under Obama-era housing rules revived by the current administration.

The DOJ is demanding monetary damages, a civil penalty, and a court order that bans landlords from implementing these “discriminatory” checks. Yep – landlords are now potential civil rights violators for trying to keep criminals out of their properties.

Safety? That’s for suckers.

The Biden-Harris administration seems committed to prioritizing the “rights” of individuals with criminal records over the safety of communities and property owners. But that’s not really anything new if you’ve paid attention to what’s been going on the past few years.

So, if you want a tenant who won’t bring trouble to the neighborhood, prepare to be accused of perpetuating systemic racism. Forget about those vulnerable tenants you’re trying to protect (even ones who are minorities themselves.) For the leftists, safety is just a footnote in their grand crusade for social justice for criminals.

Democrats’ soft spot for criminal justice “reform.”

For the Dems, it seems like the most reliable tenants are the ones who’ve seen the inside of a jail cell. Their version of criminal justice “reform” is to get rid of basic safeguards and slap a “racist” label on anyone who disagrees.

Landlords and property managers across America might as well toss out those screening applications and replace them with a roll of the dice. Want a safe and responsible tenant? The Biden-Harris team says, “Too bad.”