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Walgreens to Shutter 1,200 Stores Because of Biden-Harris Economy

It’s another blow to everyday Americans just trying to get their prescriptions filled. First it was Rite Aid’s bankruptcy news and closings across Michigan. And now we have Walgreens stepping up with its own plan to close 1,200 stores in America over the next three years (500 in 2025). That’s about one in every four locations, deemed “unprofitable” in the Biden-Harris economy where companies are trying to trim costs faster than a bargain bin haircut.

Can’t Walgreens just wait until Trump is president and let the economy bounce back? Maybe they will. If not, it looks like it’s going to be next to impossible to get our prescriptions within driving distance.

Walgreens says the plan aims to slash a cool $1 billion in expenses, which sounds like a lot of savings… until you realize it’s just a band-aid for the deeper wound of stagnant consumer spending and low reimbursement rates for drug dispensing under the current Democratic regime. Meanwhile, inflation is still gnawing away at household budgets like a hungry teenager – so it’s not like any of us have been seeing any kind of savings either.

Where are we supposed to go? Amazon? Beijing?

With big-name pharmacies shuttering left and right, where exactly are we supposed to get our medications from? Will we be relegated to order our prescriptions from Amazon – or directly from China? That might be our future, especially under Democratic rule. Amazon, no doubt, will be happy to jump in, but let’s be honest – trusting your blood pressure meds to a package that might end up in your neighbor’s bushes doesn’t inspire much confidence.

And speaking of China… maybe we’ll be getting our meds directly from them, where many of our pharmaceutical ingredients come from to begin with. But if that’s the case, we will have to rely on the USPS and that’s not a good thing.

Third option? Make our own medications. There are books available in internet-land with recipes for old-time homeopathic remedies for what ails us. Something like the “How to Grow Your Own Medicine” book available at this link [1].

Walgreens CEO says trust the process.

Walgreens CEO Tim Wentworth says that the turnaround will “take time” but he promises that it will eventually lead to better financial and consumer outcomes. I won’t hold my breath. That’s corporate- speak for “we hope you’ll forget about the mess we’re making right now.”

Thanks, Bidenomics: how many more stores have to close?

Walgreens’ announcement follows a troubling trend of retail bankruptcies and closures during the Biden-Harris Administration where inflation continues to climb. There seems to be no end to the closures on the horizon as long as the Dems control the White House. When even pharmacies start closing their doors, it’s time to face facts – this economy isn’t “working for everyone” no matter how often the left wing talking heads say otherwise. And Kamala’s “opportunity economy” she keeps preaching about isn’t going to help when she’s just a cookie-cutter version of Old Man Biden, albeit packaged in a different color and gender.

Biden and Harris: Twinsies.

What was it Kamala said about being different than Biden? Oh yeah, she isn’t. When asked on The View if there was anything she would have done differently than Biden over the last three years, she said, “There is not a thing that comes to mind.”

Pharmacy closures on Aisle 2024: Thanks, Joe and Kamala!

Yep. That means more bankruptcies and more store closures if Kamala becomes president. At this rate, the only “opportunity” Harris will be offering is the chance to watch your local Walgreens vanish faster than a coupon on Black Friday.

With the way things are going, Americans may soon have to cross their fingers that their meds aren’t held up in some supply chain purgatory on a slow boat from China. But hey, at least Kamala’s got a ready-made answer for all this: No, she wouldn’t change a thing. That’s nice to know – because things are going SO WELL out here.