When UFO drones started buzzing around some of America’s most secure military installations, you might think the Biden-Harris Pentagon would have a plan. Think again. While swarms of drones swoop over Navy SEAL Team Six’s secret base and the world’s largest naval port in Norfolk, our nation’s top brass seem to be in way over their heads to stop it from happening.

For Biden and Harris, it’s just another day in the office (or the beach) – another non-crisis that they don’t have to be concerned about. That’s because they are way too busy concentrating on the “real” enemy that must be fought: Donald J. Trump. No one else and nothing else matters to them.

Bureaucracy grounds swift action: officials blame federal laws for handcuffing drone response.

I’m glad that we don’t have an all-out attack from Mars by aliens because apparently bureaucracy and Democratic ineptness would kill us – literally.

Reports of unidentified aerial intruders date back to December 2023, with sightings over key military bases in Virginia and Nevada over the past year. But this is the fist we are hearing about it – not surprisingly. And you’d think that when dozens of drones started hovering over the home of F-22 Raptors and elite Navy SEALs, the response would involve more than hand-wringing. Instead, officials have essentially thrown in the towel and blamed federal laws for preventing them from taking any action.

Apparently, shooting down drones isn’t an option unless the drones pose an “imminent” threat – and “snooping” doesn’t qualify. That’s right, Biden’s Pentagon is more worried about breaking a few rules than about possible foreign agents like Russia or China getting a good look at America’s most advanced military technology. Of course, as you probably remember, the Biden-Harris Administration took the same stance with the Chinese spy balloons floating across the country i.e. they pretty much just let them do their thing.

White House worries about wifi, not security.

The feckless Biden-Harris administration’s “response” to this invasion (they just LOVE invasions, don’t they?!) included high-level White House meetings where they considered jamming the drones’ signals but decided against it over concerns about 911 systems, WiFi networks, and commercial airliners.

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So…How long have drones been around now? And our government could not foresee a drone spying mission or drone attacks that they would someday have to thwart? They have no plan? Seriously?!!

So, in the grand battle of drones vs. the United States, guess who is winning? Certainly not us, that’s for sure. With Biden and Harris at the helm, the priority seems to be ensuring your Netflix stream doesn’t lag rather than safeguarding national security. And God forbid they shoot a drone down and it happens to injure some federally protected lizard or something. No, they can’t do that.

And when local police tried to track these drones? They lost them in midnight chases – no match for whatever sophisticated technology was behind the operation. But at least they TRIED to do something which is more than the Biden and Harris military “experts” have been doing against these coordinated drone flights which authorities have ruled out as being “amateur” drone operations.

A spy caught, but the swarm flies on.

There WAS one arrest concerning this whole thing and no, it wasn’t Donald J. Trump. It was a Chinese student caught flying a drone near Langley Air Force Base in January 2024.

He wasn’t exactly James Bond or a navigation expert – his drone got stuck in a tree.. Still, the fact that he managed to snap photos of Navy ships should raise more than a few eyebrows. But Biden and Harris aren’t exactly racing to bolster airspace defenses or change any rules of drone flight operations anytime soon in order to keep the nation protected.

Similar drone swarms have been reported as recently as October 2024, near Edwards Air Force Base in Nevada. Yet, the Pentagon still can’t figure out where these drones are coming from or who’s behind them. You have to ask yourself, do we even need a Pentagon at this point if they are THAT worthless?

Their best “plan” so far? Anti-drone nets. Yes, nets. Why not Nerf guns or lassos? What about really big fly swatters?

Drones are smarter than Biden and Harris.

This ongoing drone debacle isn’t just a tech problem – it’s a leadership problem. Do you think Trump would allow this? No way, José.

Biden and Harris have managed to turn UFO surveillance over sensitive military sites into yet another glaring example of their administration’s trademark incompetence and dangerous leadership.

Rather than safeguarding the country, the Dems are too busy going after Trump and drowning in their own bureaucratic red tape, leaving America wide open to domestic and foreign threats.

Maybe if the drones were missing their DEI training or spewing a bit too much CO2, then maybe, just maybe, the Democrats wild spring into swift action to get rid of them.