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Obama to the Rescue: Kamala Calls in Reinforcements to Lecture Her Voters and Call Them Sexists

In the grand game of politics, when you’re not winning, who do you call? Former President Barack Obama, apparently. But, but, but… I thought all of the pollsters are saying that Kamala is beating Orange Man Bad – or at the very least it’s a close race. Yeah, right. The truth is, she’s bleeding voters – Blacks, Hispanics, antisemites and others.

Remember back in 2016 when the media had us convinced that Hillary Clinton was cruising to a victory over Donald Trump? Let’s take a little trip down memory lane to October of that year. Pollsters had Hillary leading Trump by as much as 6 points in many national polls, with CBS News [1] showing her up by 9 points just two weeks before Election Day. And we all know how that turned out!

Fast forward to now – Real Clear Politics [2] is showing Kamala Harris leading Trump by only 1 to 5 points in most polls. That’s not exactly reassuring, and the Democrats know it.

Obama’s Guilt Trip Tour.

Enter Obama. The great savior. No, not really. He couldn’t pull Hillary over the finish line either and his strategy to help Kamala seems even worse. It’s to call his Black “brothas” sexist pigs.

Yes, it looks like the Kamala/Tim Democratic dream ticket needs a little boost from the great Obama to guilt-trip voters into supporting her. You know things aren’t going well when you have to trot out the big guns to accuse your own voters of sexism. That kind of rhetoric is usually aimed at Trump and his supporters.

According to Obama, if you’re a Black male and don’t want to vote for Kamala, it’s not because of her record, or her policies – or because she’s a complete inept moron… no, it’s because you have an issue with strong women. Thanks, Obama, for clearing that up for all of us.

Obama says that Kamala’s Voters are the real problem.

Obama’s made a surprise pitstop at a campaign field office in Pittsburgh where he preached that Black men aren’t showing the same enthusiasm they had when he ran. He told them, “That seems to be more pronounced with the brothers…Part of it makes me think – and I’m speaking to men directly – part of it makes me think that, well, you just aren ́t feeling the idea of having a woman as president, and you ́re coming up with other alternatives and other reasons for that.”

Maybe they aren’t “feeling” the economic freedom and extra money in their pockets that they had when Trump was president. Maybe they aren’t “feeling” the price increases in rent, food, gas and everything else they are struggling to pay for under the Harris-Biden administration. Maybe they live in the real world and not the fake reality that the Democrats pretend is happening.

Or maybe it’s because Black voters remember that they liked Obama? Kamala, on the other hand, seems to be facing a bit of a charisma problem. Instead of addressing why her policies or leadership might not be resonating, Obama, instead, points to sexism as the culprit. Sure, that’s easier than admitting that some voters just aren’t buying what she’s selling.

Poor Obama. He’s really upset that the Trump hatred in the Black male community isn’t as high as he’d like. Unfortunately for him and his puppet Kamala, too many Black males are Trump supporters – and about a quarter of young Black men support Trump [3].

Why Obama needs to get the Black base excited for Kamala.

Here’s the kicker – if Kamala Harris really “understands” the struggle of Black men, as Obama claims, why does she need him to make the case for her? Strong candidates don’t need someone else to come to their defense or scold voters for not falling in line. If she truly had a compelling message, it would speak for itself. But, no, we get lectures about how not voting for her is apparently a betrayal of gender solidarity.

At this point, if Kamala’s strategy is to have Obama do all the heavy lifting for her, maybe the voters aren’t the ones with the problem.