- Steve Gruber - https://www.stevegruber.com -

Nightmare Scenario: President Kamala 2025 – Coming Soon to a Store Closing Near You

While VP Harris is busy measuring the Oval Office drapes and shopping at Saks Fifth Avenue for pink knick-knacks and fascist wall hangings, the rest of us are watching retail stores and restaurants go into bankruptcy every other day – and company after company closing across America under the heavy weight of the Biden-Harris economy.

First it was Rite Aid (no longer in Michigan), then Walgreens recently announced 1,200 store closings… and now Big Lots [1] is closing stores in 27 states. Also on the list is the True Value bankruptcy [2] and Denny’s recently announced that it will be closing [3] 150 restaurants.

The next season of Biden-Harris-omics.

If you want MORE of the same, vote for Kamala because she’s certainly not going to change anything to make America Great Again – or prosperous. She’ll continue the trajectory of spending more of our taxpayer dollars on Democratic priorities like climate change, DEI, abortion and the genital mutilation of teenagers – and hand out more money to her Dem donor buddies and future voters (illegal aliens).

Under the Biden-Harris administration, retail chains and restaurants are collapsing at an alarming rate, unable to keep up with skyrocketing rent, utility costs, and other inflationary pressures. Under what critics call tyrannical and incompetent Democratic rule, a business apocalypse is in full swing, with companies shuttering left and right as economic mismanagement by the federal government takes its toll.

President Kamala 2025 means an end to the business sector as we know it.

The prospect of Kamala Harris taking over the presidential reins isn’t exactly easing the anxiety of any small or large businesses in America who are just barely hanging on by a thread. And those businesses who are actually publicly supporting her are just paying “protection” money so they might be spared from total destruction in the future.

If the Biden-Harris economic policy hasn’t already put your favorite discount chain or restaurant on life support, just wait until Kamala gets the keys to the White House. It will come – and soon.

You might want to stock up on those Big Lots deals while you still can before everything is permanently out of stock.