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Kamala’s Flint Fiasco: When the Teleprompter Betrays an Empty Suit

Kamala Harris made a grand entrance in Flint, Michigan on Friday, October 4th, and what followed was a masterclass in awkwardness. After her teleprompter threw in the towel [1], Kamala was left stammering like a broken record, repeating “32 days” over and over like it was her new favorite catchphrase. Perhaps she thought if she said it enough times, she’d convince herself she had something to say.

Teleprompter down, Kamala spirals.

In a moment that seemed more fitting for a stand-up comedy routine than a political speech, Kamala stared blankly into the crowd after her teleprompter went on strike, searching for words – any words. Her solution? Just say the same thing repeatedly. Of course, we all know that she’s done that before. Many many times before…like when she referenced the significance of the passage of time [2] which is a dumb thing to say once let alone several times in a row.

So at her Flint appearance, Mr. Teleprompter decided to break up with girlfriend Kamala right after she referenced basketball legend Magic Johnson’s jersey number #32. Johnson had been speaking [3] at the rally ahead of her and had already talked about the same thing. Kamala echoed, “Remember his number 32 today? We got 32 days until the election.”

This is the point when the teleprompter hits the road and she looks a little panicky and says, “So 32 days, 32 days, Okay, We got some business to do. We got some business to do. All right. 32 days and we know we will do it…And, and this is gonna be a very tight race until the very end. This is gonna be a very tight race until the very end. We are the underdog and we know we have some hard work ahead.”

Kamala: The Queen of Repeated Rhetoric, Mistress of Saying It Twice, The Echoing Expert. Miss Say it Over and Over Again didn’t fail to deliver – again. And again.

Kamala’s ready for the fight – or so she says.

Kamala claims she’s ready to fight for working-class voters, but all Flint saw was a woman fighting to keep her speech afloat. Sure, Kamala, there are only 32 days until election day (29 as of today)… maybe spend them figuring out how not to sound like a malfunctioning robot next time.