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Kamala’s Fan Club: Endorsements That No One Cares About Keep on Coming

If you thought Kamala Harris’ 2024 campaign couldn’t get any more desperate, think again. The vice president’s endorsements read like a cast list for a failed reality show. From washed-up celebs to angry ex-Trump officials, it’s a parade of personalities that no one cares about. But hey, when the goal is to stay relevant, any endorsement is better than none, right?

Rap God to VP Squad: Eminem

Nothing screams “serious presidential contender” like an endorsement from the guy who (kinda) rhymed the phrase “mom’s spaghetti.” Eminem’s jump into Kamala’s corner excites no one. Was this supposed to win over suburban moms or disgruntled millennials still blasting “Lose Yourself” on repeat?

Joe’s blessing: the kiss of political death?

Even though the Democrats got rid of Old Man Joe as their presidential nominee in a coup, he still gave an obligatory endorsement of his VP as the better choice against former President Donald J. Trump. But let’s be honest, Joe’s thumbs up doesn’t mean much – not even to Democrats.

The Cheney Club: Trump haters unite.

Republicans and Trump haters Liz and Dick Cheney lending their support to Kamala is not surprising. They’ve made careers out of hating Trump so endorsing Kamala makes sense – if they’re trying to gig on CNN or in the Harris/Walz administration.

Democratic Elites: Obama, Buttigieg, and Hillary (Oh my!)

The usual suspects of Democrat royalty – Barack Obama, Pete Buttigieg, Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton (as well as zillions of their deep state co-horts) are all-in for Kamala. Their presence is a reminder that Kamala wasn’t really anyone’s first, second or even third choice. But Buttigieg was too busy fixing potholes to make much impact and the rest of them didn’t want to be called racists or sexists if they didn’t let Kamala run for the presidency.

Former Trump officials: fired and wired.

It’s hard to believe, but several ex-Trump officials have endorsed Kamala. Is it personal vengeance, a cry for relevance, or a last-ditch attempt to get back into the political spotlight? Hard to say, but one thing’s for sure: these folks aren’t exactly topping any “most trusted” lists. Most likely, they’re angling for another job inside of the White House should the Dems cheat their way into another presidency.

Socialists rejoice.

Kamala’s endorsement list stretches across the Atlantic with the Party of European Socialists. Yes, the same folks who dream of turning everything into a committee meeting have given Kamala the thumbs up. Here in America, the Democratic Socialists of America are very happy [1] with the Harris/Walz ticket as well.

The usual suspects: labor unions, gun control advocates, and climate crusaders.

This group of endorsements is about as surprising as rain in Seattle. Labor unions, gun control groups, and climate warriors are predictably lining up behind Kamala. It’s the political equivalent of getting a participation trophy – nice to have, but it doesn’t mean you’re winning anything.

The Left-leaning media lovefest: From the Daily Kos to Vogue.

Leftist media outlets are swooning over Kamala as if she’s the last standing star of a canceled series. Daily Kos, The Atlantic, The Boston Globe, The New York Times, Vogue and other Leftist media outlets have all offered their glowing approval. Who cares? Only Leftists who read their propaganda.

Hollywood’s B-list brigade.

From Tom Arnold to Alyssa Milano, Kamala’s Hollywood backers are mostly folks who haven’t been relevant since the Clinton administration – or earlier. Star Wars’ Mark Hamill even dragged the late Carrie Fisher into the endorsement game, claiming she’d support Kamala too if she was still breathing.

If this lineup is supposed to inspire excitement, it missed the mark by a mile.

So what do we end up with? A Leftist medley of B-list celebrities, political turncoats, and the usual communist suspects all saying how great Kamala is – after years of ignoring her or saying that she really ISN’T that great.

But desperate times call for desperate endorsements. Maybe Kamala’s campaign is aiming for quantity over quality. In any event, when the endorsements are more entertaining than the candidate, you know the circus is in town.