It’s official: According to Breitbart News, President Biden declared on “The View” that he delegated “everything” to Vice President Kamala Harris – yes, everything. From foreign policy to domestic policy, Biden handed her the keys to the whole operation. While Biden has been taking a nap at the beach (or four), Kamala has been left to rule over us. And here we thought it was Obama all along!

The result? An impressive trail of messes – inflation, increased crime all over the country, a massive illegal alien invasion, the fentanyl crisis, human trafficking, instability in the Middle East and much more…

Kamala’s response? “I’m not Joe Biden,” she insisted when debating Trump. Well, maybe that’s technically true but she’s been playing the part while trying to paint herself as the fresh, younger model in the political car crash of the Biden-Harris administration. She’s a “new generation of leadership,” she tells us. So basically different but the same.

Hot potato.

Handing everything off to Kamala has put her right in the hot seat. The economy is tanking and Kamala is pretending she wants to fix the very thing that her and Old Man Biden created. She owns it.

Hopefully, the American people aren’t being fooled by all of the gaslighting about Biden and Kamala’s supposed grand achievements. Maybe they aren’t. Pew Research shows only 25% of Americans think things are going well economically under this administration.

Kamala’s foreign policy debacle: the buck stops with her.

And what about foreign policy? That’s Kamala’s responsibility too. Biden flat-out said it. Remember the Afghanistan withdrawal? Yeah, apparently, that’s her baby too. Any policy catastrophe? Kamala’s got it, according to Biden. And now she has to face that lovely little contradiction: pretending she’s a breath of fresh air while being tangled up in the policies that dragged everyone and everything into the mud.

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So next time things go south – and, with the current trajectory, they likely will – Kamala can thank Biden for delegating “everything” to her. Maybe she should’ve asked for a more specific job description before signing up for her VP gig because if you’re handed the wheel, you can’t exactly say the last driver is the one still at fault when you’re the one steering into every pothole.