Kamala Harris seems to have a knack for saying the quiet part out loud. During a La Crosse, Wisconsin campaign rally last week, the VP channeled her inner Obama who had said about Republicans in 2008: “They get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.”

Fast forward to 2024 and we have Kamala telling telling two pro-life Christian students at her rally to scram because they weren’t in the right place. When the Christians shouted “Jesus is Lord” and “Christ is King,” Kamala’s response was “Oh, you guys are at the wrong rally.”

Seriously, Kamala??

And once Kamala had mocked them, the crowd turned on them as well, heckling and cursing at them. There was even an elderly woman pushing at one of the students.

Holy mockery, Batman!

According to a report from Just the News, the backlash has been swift, as faith groups accuse Kamala of belittling religious beliefs. Conservative media ran with the clip, contrasting it with past Democratic efforts to embrace Catholic voters.

Kamala also didn’t make any points when she skipped the Al Smith charity Catholic dinner recently which resulted in widespread condemnation about her priorities.

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And let’s not forget Whitmer’s recent “Dorito communion” skit either – another religious PR disaster for the Dems. It looks like the Democrats’ faith outreach is beginning to look like a college improv night gone wrong.

Preaching to the choir… literally.

Meanwhile, Republicans are milking this gaffe for all it’s worth. Florida Rep. Byron Donalds pointed out the obvious: most Americans identify as Christians, and one-quarter are Catholic. Kamala’s offhand dismissal at the rally is a clear “you’re not welcome” sign to voters she’ll need in the Midwest battlegrounds like Michigan where she is already disliked by the Muslims because of her support of Israel.

Words have meaning.

Former HUD Secretary Ben Carson was quick to say that Harris’ jab reveals her true feelings not just slip-ups, quoting the Bible to remind folks that “out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaketh.”