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Democrats are Laughably Whining About Free Speech – Accusing Elon Musk of Giving Them a Dose of Their Own Censorship Medicine

Oh, the irony…Democrats are currently wringing their hands and clutching their pearls because they think Elon Musk is suppressing their speech on X. Yes, after years of the Left constantly censoring conservative voices, de-platforming anyone who dares to disagree, and throwing countless accounts into social media “jail,” the progressive woke tyrants are now accusing Musk of playing favorites with his megaphone in order to support Trump to be President Number #47.

If it’s true (and I sure hope it is), then to borrow the words of John McClane from the classic holiday flick Die Hard… “Welcome to the party, pal!”

Dear Democrats: Welcome to the game you invented.

Yes, we all remember when conservative voices couldn’t say “Hunter’s laptop” or “Ivermectin” without a one-way ticket to algorithm oblivion. And we’re still having issues on Facebook and other social media platforms who are all-in for Kamala. However, even though the Dems are cool with the Left manipulating elections and controlling speech, they’re not so keen on it when it comes from the other side of the political aisle. Now that someone on the Right might be challenging their monopoly on speech, suddenly it’s a crisis.

For the longest time, questioning certain political narratives got us immediately banished from social media quicker than a squirrel on caffeine. We were silenced, banned, and CANCELLED for exercising our First Amendment rights. Now, Democrats are grasping on to their participation trophies and yelling foul because they think Musk is flipping the script. Oh, the poor things. I’m crying a million tears for them.

How did the rumors start?

A post from BrooklynDad_Defiant, a left-leaning account with over 1.3 million followers, is whining about Musk deliberately suppressing posts of the Leftist mob.

The irony is almost too much to bear. Maybe we should lend Brooklyn Dad and his Kamala supporters our custom t-shirts that say, “I survived social media censorship” and send them some gift cards for “BetterHelp” therapy.

Hillary’s speech control fantasies: when free speech isn’t “their” speech.

And while we are on the topic of speech control – loser Hillary Clinton has made it loud and clear what the Dems are all about. She’s about the only one on the Left being completely honest about their disdain for the First Amendment and giving us a preview of what’s to come if they grab control of the White House, Senate, and House next year.

Hills recently said that if social media doesn’t moderate content, “we lose total control.” You mean, the kind of control that lets you dictate what’s “acceptable speech” and what isn’t? The kind that silences any narrative that doesn’t fit your agenda?

The elderly 76-year-old is also calling for the repeal of Section 230 to allow the government to decide what we can and can’t say online. Because to the Dems, the free flow of ideas is just too dangerous unless it’s carefully curated by the powers that be.

Heaven forbid we actually allow open discussions without the progressive guardrails to guide us… imagine the chaos of hearing different opinions…Imagine other people (who aren’t Dems) ridiculing them and telling the truth. That would just be too much for them.

Musk fears a Trump-less future: prison and censorship.

Meanwhile, Elon Musk is warning everyone that if Trump loses in 2024, he might just be looking at being handcuffed in his future. “How long do you think my prison sentence is going to be?” he joked in an interview with Tucker Carlson, pointing to the inevitable persecution he expects if the Left tightens its grip.

Musk knows what’s at stake if Kamala Harris and her woke comrades take over – they’ll go after anyone, including him, who dares to challenge their narrative. They don’t just want to jail Trump, they want to intimidate and jail all of his followers.

As Trump always says, “They’re not after me, they’re after you – I’m just standing in their way.”