In a world that’s officially lost its marbles, President Joe Biden has done the unthinkable – he wore a MAGA hat at a 9/11 appearance. It happened on September 11th visit with firefighters in Pennsylvania. In a video posted online, Biden walked up to a dude in a MAGA hat and tried to offer him a presidential Biden hat, agreeing to autograph it.

MAGA Dude said, “Do you remember your name?”

Biden said that he doesn’t remember his name because he’s “slow.”

“You’re an old fart” MAGA Dude said. Biden answered, “Yeah, I know, I’m an old guy.”

After signing his hat, Biden told MAGA Dude he needed the MAGA hat in exchange. When MAGA Dude asked if Biden wanted his autograph, he responded, “Hell, no.”

The crowd goaded Biden into wearing the MAGA hat which he put on over the one he was already wearing for about five seconds. Cheers and applause erupted from the crowd including from the MAGA Dude who told Biden, “I’m proud of you now.”

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And although the gesture of putting on the MAGA hat was a joke, you can’t help but wonder if it was actually a jab at Kamala and the Democrats who shoved him out of the presidential race.

Democrats RFK Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard choose Trump

In a twist that no one asked for (except maybe Trump), Robert F. Kennedy Jr. decided that his 2024 candidate of choice is – you guessed it – Orange Man Bad.

The Kennedy heir admires Trump’s commitment to free speech, among other things, even as some of his famous relatives do an eye-roll and dismiss him as unhinged. Meanwhile, former Democrat Tulsi Gabbard has ditched the Dem party’s playbook entirely, throwing her support behind Trump as well.

Liz and Dick Cheney Love Kamala.

Liz Cheney, the Republican turned professional Trump tormentor, has found her latest muse in Kamala Harris. Declaring that Trump will “light the constitution on fire” if re-elected, she has chosen Kamala as the best candidate. Yes, Lizzie has found someone who dislikes Trump almost as much as she does.

Liz’s daddy, Dick Cheney, Mr. RINO himself and George W. Bush’s former VP, is one of many never- Trump RINOS who are also endorsing Kamala over Trump. The list is long (and irrelevant to most of us).

Another description for never-Trump RINOS is the “uniparty” who all work against American interests in unison. We have a LOT of politicians who have been, and want to continue to be, around for a LONG time. They want to hold on to their power and wealth at any cost – including selling out our country – which is exactly why MAGA was born in the first place.

Elon for Trump – but other CEOs think they’ll get better deals with Kamala.

Tesla and X king, Elon Musk, is “all in” for Trump – much to the chagrin of Democrats and censors of free speech. Other business leaders, who don’t mind working against their own interests, have jumped on the Kamala bandwagon, no doubt assuming that kissing her butt will save them from future economic doom. GOOD LUCK, suckers.

Some endorsements still make sense.

Taylor Swift endorsing Kamala Harris for president does makes perfect sense – it’s a match of pop culture meets political power. And since about 99.99999% of celebrities are leftists, it wasn’t a big surprise. After all, when you have all of the power and money you need, you don’t care about government tyranny too much as long as they let you keep enough of your own money – which so far they obviously have. And quite frankly, what does Taylor Swift care about the price of bacon or rising rent prices?

Putin hearts Kamala.

Not to be outdone by Swift, Vladimir Putin has thrown his weight behind Vice President Kamala Harris too and this is also not surprising since the Democrats aren’t exactly menacing enemies to the old guy. In a statement at an economic forum recently, Putin gushed about his new bestie, “She’s strong, she’s bold, and she doesn’t threaten sanctions every time I have a bad day.” He added, “She laughs so expressively and infectiously that it means that she is doing well.”

Endorsement free-for-all: grab your popcorn, America.

From here on out, it’s anyone’s guess whose side anyone’s on. But the common thread seems to be: Hey, what’s in it for me??!