You’d think after being in office, impeached twice, and dodging more legal bullets than a cartoon character, Donald J. Trump could at least enjoy a quiet game of golf on his day off. But no, the Democrats and never-Trumpers seem determined to turn everywhere he goes into the latest episode of “Presidential Survivor.”

On Sunday afternoon, Trump was playing a round at his Florida golf club in Palm Beach County when multiple shots rang out nearby. According to the Daily Mail, a Secret Service agent reportedly opened fired on a suspect hiding in the bushes when he saw a gun through the shrubbery. Luckily, Trump, who was two holes behind the alleged assassin, walked away unscathed – though his handicap might never recover.

The suspect, named by media outlets as 58-year-old Ryan Wesley Routh, was not only able to get INTO the golf course, he was able to leave it as well. Luckily a witness was paying enough attention to see the dude take off and got a description (and photo) of his getaway vehicle.

Routh was captured on a highway by local police and taken into custody. Meanwhile, his alleged AK-47 was recovered at the golf course as well as a scope, backpacks, ceramic tiles and a camera.

Reports say that Routh is a leftist (shocking, I know) and that he was about 300 to 500 yards away from Trump which is CLOSE ENOUGH to hit someone with the kind of rifle and scope that he had, according to law enforcement.

Another Day, Another Drama – Will the Golf Course Ever Be Safe Again?

As if getting shot at in Pennsylvania in July wasn’t bad enough, Trump had to contend with yet another “incident” that never should have happened. The Secret Service and local law enforcement are saying they don’t have a “motive” for the suspect’s actions which I find hilarious.

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A motive? Seriously?! Gee, maybe the alleged assassin was upset about Trump’s Indo-Pacific trade policies. Or the fact that the golf course snack shop sells Skittles. Give me a break, people. This is a pretty easy one: the suspect probably wanted to kill the president – and he wanted to make sure he got credit for doing it (hence the camera).

So what happened after all of the hubbub? The Democrats feigned concern while secretly high-fiving behind closed doors. President Biden and Kamala Harris, in a show of obligatory politeness, expressed that they were “relieved” that Trump was unharmed – although neither one cares enough to increase Trump’s security to the level it needs to be at. Harris, unsurprisingly, recycled the classic “violence has no place in America” line – as if those words have magically stopped any bullets lately.

Foregone Conclusion – When Will the Dems Let the Man Play Golf in Peace?

The Left’s obsession with Trump has officially teed off into the absurd – and towards a place of imminent harm for the former president. It’s no wonder Trump’s life is constantly in danger when the Dems and the media paint him as a threat to democracy and worse than all of our enemies in Russia, Iran and North Korea combined.

Trump’s statement about today’s events (“I will never surrender”) will only agitate them further. Try as they might, they haven’t been able to stop the Trumpster no matter what they do (except for the brief hiatus of Biden being president after a stolen election.)

Meanwhile, Trump keeps dodging through the daily crossfire of political and literal shots at him from both his foreign and domestic enemies. And Americans keep waiting for the slow-walked “investigations” from the Biden FBI as to how and why these things keep happening – although we all know that we will only get the “answers” that the Democrats want us to have.

A par for the course in failure.

And if you watched the press conference today about the attempted assassination, you were surely repulsed when one of the law enforcement officers said that the golf course didn’t need to be fully protected because Trump isn’t a “sitting” president. This FUBAR statement is even more disgusting when you take into consideration that there’s already been an attempt on Trump’s life. If something happens to Trump, my opinion is that it will be because the Secret Service ALLOWED it to happen. The evidence of that is everywhere.

So here is the absurd (but truthful) explanation that Palm Beach Sheriff Ric Bradshaw gave during the press conference as to why the suspect was able to get on the grounds: “The golf course is surrounded by shrubbery, so when somebody gets into the shrubbery, they’re pretty much out of sight, all right, and at this level that he (Trump) is at right now, he’s not the sitting president. If he was, we would have had this entire golf course surrounded. But because he’s not, security is limited to the areas that the Secret Service deems possible.”

As for the spineless Republicans, now is the time to get off of their BUTTS and write a bill to protect Trump. This actually should have been done the day after the first attempt on Trump’s life – but hey, better late than never.

Ensuring equal protection.

I’ll even write the bill for them for free:

We, the undersigned, hereby propose changes to federal law and amendments to the Secret Service rules and protocols to mandate that any former President of the United States who is actively campaigning for re-election shall receive a level of Secret Service protection equivalent to that provided to the sitting President.

This needs to be a stand-alone bill that is drafted immediately – Make the Democrats vote on it. Force Kamala and Joe to publicly take a stand. The absurdity of this situation is off the charts. Had someone tried to assassinate former President Obama last July, you can bet the rules would have been rewritten faster than you can say “emergency session.”