It was painfully obvious that VP Kamala Harris had her magic 8-ball working overtime in last night’s debate against Trump. Suddenly, the queen of word salad had the answers to EVERYTHING. Climate change? Check. Abortion? Double check. January 6th? Checkmate. All the left-wing talking points were perfectly cued up, as if ABC had hand-delivered her a script beforehand (and yes, we all KNOW that they did.)

ABC’s whole hand was on the scale, not just a finger.

ABC didn’t even pretend to hide their bias, rolling out questions tailor-made for Kamala’s comfort zone. The moderators seemed more like Harris’s personal hype squad, ready to fact-check every Trump statement while letting Kamala’s numerous lies about Trump slide right by.

Trump, meanwhile, was left dodging barbs from Harris, who wore her scornful, incredulous, and condescending looks like badges of honor – and also made a well-rehearsed move with her hand on her chin while she looked at him contemplatingly like he was out of his mind. She was over and over again the finger-wagging schoolmarm to Trump’s unruly student, and ABC was happy to play principal.

Because Kamala knew her reactions during Trump’s speaking time were just as crucial as her responses, she continually shot Trump a mix of well practiced expressions while he barely spared her a glance.

Leftist media’s giddy afterglow.

Predictably, the mainstream media were all high-fives and happy dances post-debate, reveling in the break from Biden’s usual disaster reels. They couldn’t contain their glee as Kamala held her own, poking the Trump bear repeatedly and scolding him like a toddler with a tantrum.

CNN anchor Chris Wallace called the debate as “devastating” for Trump as Biden’s last debate was for him and said that she “shut Trump down.”

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California Gov. Gavin Newsom said that Kamala “cleaned his clock.” Never-Trumper Michael Steele said, “Stick a fork in this turkey.”

Never-Trumper Matt Drudge had hopeful headlines on his page saying “The Night Trump Lost it All”, “The End” and “The Worst Performance of His Career.” Although, oddly, Drudge didn’t have his usual “who won the debate” poll – because he knows the answer would come back with Trump being the winner regardless of his performance last night.

But Kamala’s lowlights were glaring: defending abortion by saying faith and baby-killing can coexist, rehashing the discredited Charlottesville narrative, and glossing over her and Biden’s epic Afghanistan failure. She also had no answer about if we’re better off now than four years ago other than to say the country needs her to help families with housing and other things (I guess that means the answer is a big N-O).

Trump takes the bait.

Trump didn’t help himself by biting every piece of bait Kamala dangled. She poked, he swung, and the circus continued. And when Kamala smugly invited viewers to a Trump rally to “see the crazy,” he predictably snapped back with rally attendance digs and accusations of bused-in crowds at her events.

Kamala’s smug head shakes and eye rolls were all on display, as Trump fired back with his usual no- holds-barred approach, calling out her flip-flopping and her feigned innocence over the southern border crisis.

Kamala’s antisemitic base won’t be happy.

Kamala Harris reiterated her unwavering support for Israel’s right to defend itself during the debate – and that isn’t exactly music to the ears of her pro-Palestinian/anti-Israel supporters, who are still on the fence about backing her. With the Sunday, September 15th deadline fast approaching for Kamala to meet with the “uncommitted” folks and reconsider her stance on funding and arming Israel, it’s looking less and less likely that she’ll be able to win them over and secure their votes.

The 3-on-1 sideshow.

Despite being ganged up on, Trump had his moments, reminding everyone that Kamala and Joe could fix the border right now but choose not to. His pièce de résistance? A late-game zinger asking why Harris hasn’t delivered on anything she’s promised as VP. It’s the kind of line he should have dropped 89 minutes earlier, but better late than never.

In the end, Kamala delivered a carefully scripted show, filled with theatrics, practiced lines, and signature eye rolls and with the help of ABC, pulled off a win for the night. As for Trump? Well, Trump was just being Trump, the way we’ve all come to expect – and usually wince at.

And while Kamala’s theatrics might’ve dazzled her adoring media fans, her “performance” was heavy on scolding Trump and condescension but light on substance. Did anyone really walk away knowing what Kamala will do when she’s president? We all KNOW what she’s planning, but she sure didn’t fess up to any of it, making sure those independent voters watching remain blissfully unaware of just how dangerous she’d be as president.

After the debate, we had two folks with different takes on the the night and different ideas about who would be a better president. We had Taylor Swift who endorsed Kamala on her Instagram account – no big surprise there. And we had Trump telling Fox News’ Sean Hannity that he won the debate and it was a “great night.” He was overselling it by a mile but once again, Trump was just being Trump.