Democratic NYC Mayor Eric Adams, once hailed as the city’s tough-on-crime hero, is now getting a firsthand experience of what happens when you’re no longer useful to the Democratic Machine. A grand jury just handed him a federal corruption indictment, and with it, a not-so-subtle reminder that in politics, it’s “what have you done for me lately?”

Adams has been a bit too loud in criticizing the Biden-Harris administration over the flood of illegal aliens entering his city. To make matters worse, he’s embarrassing them in public as the crime, homelessness, and illegal immigration issues continue to plague his streets. So he needs to be taught a lesson.

Adams, who campaigned on cleaning up the streets, is now cleaning out his phone – or at least he should have done so before the federal agents strolled into Gracie Mansion and took it.

According to Just the News, all of this comes as part of a federal investigation into shady campaign donations allegedly from the Turkish government. Yes, although everyone pretty much assumes at this point that ALL of the Dems gets foreign campaign donations, the spotlight is on Adams because HE is the one who won’t step in line.

What are the charges?

The charges against Adams include federal program bribery, accepting campaign contributions from foreign nationals, one count of wire fraud, two counts of soliciting contributions from foreign nationals, one count of conspiracy to commit wire fraud, and one count of bribery.

Push back against the Democratic agenda, get the boot.

Adams dared to push back on the Democratic Party’s holy grail issue: immigration. New York City’s sanctuary status has him drowning in a sea of problems, but when he raised concerns about the overwhelming number of asylum seekers, the Machine didn’t like it. His squeaky wheel routine didn’t get the grease – it got the FBI.

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Of course, this indictment comes with impeccable timing, right after Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez called for his resignation. Apparently, not being progressive enough earns you a one-way ticket to “we’re done with you” land. One minute you’re the Democratic darling, the next minute you’re accused of campaign corruption and getting ghosted by your besties.

Innocence proclaimed but who’s listening?

Adams insists the charges are false and that he’ll fight them. However, it’s going to be tough when half your administration is jumping ship and resignation calls are getting louder and louder.

Whether Adams is guilty or not will be shaken out – and, at this point, it’s not even the main story. The main story is WHY it’s happening – and most seem to think it’s because of the Biden-Harris DOJ. Even Adams knows what is going on and said to the media on Thursday at a press conference, “When the federal government did nothing when its broken immigration policies overloaded our shelter system with no relief, I put the people of New York before party and politics. Now, if I am charged, many may say I should resign…make no mistake, you elected me to lead this city, and lead I will.”

A progressive placeholder that will most likely be permanent is waiting in the wings.

So now we are left to assume there is second-in-line that the Machine likes better – or someone in the wings waiting to run against Adams – and they need a little marketing help to get them over the finish line. Should Adams not resign, Democratic New York Gov. Kathy Hochul has the power to remove him from office.

The person who becomes the acting mayor, should Adams step down, is Public Advocate Jumaane Williams who would take over until a special election is held. According to Hollywood Life, Williams is “known for his progressive views on issues such as affordable housing, criminal justice reform, and social equity” and an “outspoken advocate for marginalized communities.

Immigrant supporter Williams poised to be the Biden-Harris Administration’s new darling.

Upon doing a little research, I found out that Williams is a much better choice for NYC mayor for the Democratic Machine. In 2022, he was endorsed in his run for governor by leading Immigrant Advisory Group “Make the Road.” Jumaane Williams received the endorsement of them due to his long- standing alignment with the group’s progressive priorities, including tenant protections, healthcare access for all, and support for excluded workers. Yes, it appears that he will toe the line for the Biden-Harris administration much better than Adams. Plus he’s also Black, so the woke Democrats won’t come out a protest a racist targeting of Adams.

In the Democratic disposal system, you’re only valuable until you’re not. And when that time comes, expect a very public (and messy) fall from grace.