In a decision that feels like the final nail in the coffin for Michigan businesses, the state’s Democrat- heavy Supreme Court has ruled that no compensation will be paid for the financial havoc wreaked by Democratic Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s lockdown mandates. For anyone keeping score, that’s a big win for government overreach and a giant goose egg for business owners who just wanted to keep their lights on when the tyrannical Democratic governor didn’t deem them to be “essential” back during the beginning of the pandemic.

The Michigan Supreme Court, in a move that screams, “Sorry, not sorry,” dismissed several cases recently from businesses and students seeking compensation for the losses suffered during Whitmer’s (illegal) executive orders. Apparently, lost revenue and shuttered doors don’t count as a “taking” under the law unless your building is physically picked up and moved somewhere else. Who knew?

Attorneys representing the businesses argued that the closures interfered with their basic rights to operate – but according to the courts, the “short-lived” impact of the pandemic closures didn’t rise to the level of needing compensation. Never mind the thousands of businesses that never reopened or the jobs that vanished faster than toilet paper in March of 2020.

A brief, unsympathetic order.

The high court didn’t even bother with a detailed opinion; instead, it issued a curt two-sentence dismissal, which is about as considerate as hanging up mid-conversation. Justices David Viviano and Richard Bernstein dissented, warning that this decision tarnishes the credibility of the judiciary and undermines its role as a defender of liberties – but who needs liberty when you’ve got (illegal) executive orders from Democratic governors who are more interested in power trips.

Meanwhile, college students who got the Zoom University experience were also told they had no right to refunds, even though they signed up for ACTUAL classrooms, not virtual ones. Apparently, “You get what you pay for” doesn’t apply when your education is delivered via glitchy video call. One dissenting justice even suggested that these cases deserve another look, but majority rule means “better luck next time, kiddos.”

Michigan’s “new normal” looks a lot Like “no compensation.”

The repercussions of Whitmer’s pandemic policies are still unfolding. The governor’s edicts closed schools, crippled businesses, and caused losses that the state economy is still struggling to recover from. For those keeping count, that’s a quarter of Michigan’s small and mid-sized businesses and nearly 82,000 jobs – gone.

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And more business closures will be coming due to Gov. Whitmer and the Biden/Harris administration’s disastrous economic policies and rising inflationary problems. We’re already seen this happening with the closure of Rite Aids across the state. Additionally, next year, the state will be losing a plethora of restaurants due to (yes again) the Michigan’s Democrat Supreme Court and their recent ruling eliminating the tip credit.

Michigan Democrats don’t care what happens to businesses in the state.

But fear not – I’m sure the Democratic government will be right there to take care of us once all the Michigan businesses are boarded up and our jobs have vanished into thin air.

And in regards to the COVID shutdowns, the state seems confident that businesses didn’t lose anything of REAL value. After all, property still has value even when it’s collecting dust, right?

The message is clear: if you’re looking for compensation from Democratic judges for the Democratic government’s heavy-handedness, don’t bother. You’re on your own.