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Michigan Worship Pastor Arrested After Confessing to Putting Camera in Unisex Bathroom of Church

Will Johnson, Worship Pastor Director at 2|42 Community Church in Brighton, took a nosedive into criminal territory by allegedly planting a hidden camera in one of the church’s unisex bathrooms.

According to church officials, the suspect confessed to the leadership about his covert bathroom project after a staff member found the hidden camera. Church leaders wasted no time, notifying the Livingston County Sheriff’s Office faster than you can say “thou shalt not.” The pastor was arrested on the spot, and his employment was terminated on September 13th, just in time for the church’s next weekend sermon on “trust.”

A ‘pastor’ performance not meant for the stage.

The camera was found tucked away in the backstage bathroom, a non-public unisex area. The discovery left the church leadership shocked and saddened.

On Sunday, the church posted the following message on their Facebook page [1]: “Please pray. For the victims. For our church. For everyone impacted.” They also released the following statement: “We chose not to live stream our services today due to the sensitive nature of our conversation, and to focus on caring for our church family. On Friday, 9/13, 2|42 Community Church was informed by a staff member that a hidden camera had been discovered inside a non-public, unisex bathroom in the backstage area of the Brighton campus. Will Johnson, the church’s former Worship Pastor Director, confessed to church leadership that he placed the camera in that location. Will Johnson’s employment was immediately terminated, and the Livingston County Sheriff’s Office was notified. They placed Will Johnson under arrest Friday evening 9/13. We are shocked and deeply saddened by this crime and violation of our community. The protection, safety, and privacy of every person who enters our church is our priority. We are fully cooperating with the sheriff’s office as this is an ongoing investigation.”

Bathroom checks and balances.

To calm the nerves of a now-paranoid congregation, the church has promised a thorough sweep of their facilities with a third-party investigator to ensure no other rogue cameras are lurking in their holy halls. According to the sheriff’s office, there’s currently no evidence suggesting cameras were hidden elsewhere, but church leaders aren’t taking any chances. They’ve vowed to continue combing through every corner.

Lesson of the day: thou shalt not spy on thy flock.

Church members received an email over the weekend, reassuring them of the church’s cooperation with the ongoing investigation and their commitment to safety. Of course, after this episode, it might take more than a heartfelt email to make anyone feel comfortable using the restroom again.

Image Credit: Will Johnson FB page

Pastor’s social media account still active.

As of Sunday afternoon, Johnson’s Facebook page [3] was still active with over 180 comments on his most recent post including swear words aimed at him and commenters calling him evil, disgusting and a pedophile.

Moving forward.

This incident is a stark reminder that even the most sacred spaces can be violated by those who are supposed to lead. As the investigation unfolds, 2|42 Community Church faces the daunting task of rebuilding trust with its congregation.

For now, the message is clear: even in a house of worship, vigilance is key, and no one is above the law. And as Luke 8:17 says…“For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.”