Vice President, Democratic presidential candidate and “Border Czar” Kamala Harris has finally graced the U.S.-Mexico border with her presence. Don’t get too excited, though – this was more of a high-profile Instagram moment than an actual border security initiative during her quick visit and 20 minute speech to the press.

Arriving in Arizona, Kamala was fresh off a jet spewing more CO2 than I do in a year and sporting a $62,000 Tiffany necklace (because nothing screams “I’m middle class” like dripping in diamonds), Kamala delivered a scripted and laughable, “tough on the border” speech that somehow managed to ignore the record-breaking numbers of illegal aliens that she and Biden have purposely let stroll across the border.

Actions speak louder than photo ops.

While Kamala posed for pictures and threw out vague promises of “orderly” immigration, let’s not forget what’s really been happening. Under her and Biden’s administration, our southern border has turned into an all-you-can-cross buffet. Nearly 650,000 criminal illegal aliens (and we know there are a LOT more than that), including 15,000 individuals convicted of or charged with murder, have been allowed to roam freely across the U.S. It’s hard to take her seriously when the numbers look like this, but hey, maybe her shiny necklace was supposed to distract us from the glaring facts.

Criminals welcome.

Yes, ICE recently revealed some shocking statistics (if you can call it “shocking” anymore) on the criminals this administration has been letting in. From sexual assault charges to weapon offenses, the list goes on. But don’t worry, Kamala assures us she’s got everything under control, with promises of more “resources” – which to the Democrats has nothing to do with STOPPING people from coming in. They’re only worried about “resources” that will process asylum seekers quicker – like getting more border agents and judges to get the paperwork and court cases moving along. In other words, they want MORE illegal aliens in the country and they want it happening ASAP.

Mayorkas 2.0.

Kamala has clearly been taking notes from Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, mimicking his “reduce chaos by opening more doors” strategy. Except instead of controlling the chaos, it’s just made it worse. The criminals, the human traffickers, the drug dealers – yep, they’re all getting VIP access. And Kamala’s solution? Add a few more border agents, smile for the cameras, and pretend everything’s fine.

It’s all part of the Biden-Harris show, and we’re supposed to clap along like everything’s great when we’ve actually been watching their reality show since they came into office (and we’re paying the price for it). As the border remains wide open and criminal aliens pour in, maybe it’s time for the VP to swap her Tiffany’s for some reality.

Blaming Trump while pushing an open-door agenda at the border.

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That would be a reality unlike the one she talked about, accusing “Mr. Border Wall” Donald J. Trump himself from being the problem because he tanked the “bipartisan” Senate bill that would have done absolutely NOTHING to improve border security and would have helped the Dems usher more illegal aliens into the country.

But hey, Kamala’s border stunt wasn’t really about fixing the border and everyone knows it. It was just another episode in the Biden-Harris administration’s never-ending reality show, where optics matter more than outcomes, and blinged-out photo ops take precedence over real solutions.

The Border Patrol Union posted on X about Kamala trying to gaslight America into thinking she cares about border security: “Vice President Harris has ignored the border problem she created for over three years. She goes down there for 20 minutes for a photo op and decides to repeat some of the things the NPBC has said before. But again, where has she been the last 3-1/2 years?”

When it comes to border security, Kamala’s track record is one of her biggest liabilities during her run for the White House – and for good reason. From day one, her approach as the “Border Czar” has been nothing but smoke, mirrors, and scripted lines. If her campaign’s weak spot had a zip code, it would be somewhere along that wide-open southern border she ignored until her campaign advisers made her go there.