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Kamala and Oprah Town Hall: A Meeting of Segregationists Uniting

It became clear at Oprah Winfrey’s recent “Unite for America [1]” town hall that the Democrats’ strategy to get Kamala elected mostly revolves around dividing the country into categories, particularly along gender and racial lines, and tailoring their “get out the vote” efforts to those specific groups. The town hall, Oprah explained, was a uniting of all of those people.

The town hall, which was held in Farmington Hills in Oakland County, Michigan last Thursday, was a hybrid in-person (400 people)/virtual event that lasted 90 minutes. But it took about 24 minutes before VP and Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris even stepped foot in the room. That finally happened after Winfrey spent all of her time and energy with dramatic music and advertising videos in addition to being the warm-up act, singing Kamala’s praises and commending all of the folks who are supporting her.

Those groups included the segregationist organizations appearing in person and on-screen as well as the celebrities who were there virtually like Julia Roberts, Meryl Streep, Chris Rock and Ben Stiller – who supports his own group called “Comics for Kamala,” who, after donating $150,000 at a fundraiser for her said [2] he wished that he was Black, showing once again that the whole Kamala campaign is wrapped around identity politics.

At the fundraiser, Stiller said, “She’s also a historic candidate. It’s going to be the first woman president, and that’s incredibly exciting. She’s Indian, she’s Black, she’s everything. You can be more than one thing, it’s incredible. I’m Jewish and Irish… I wish I was Black, every white Jewish guy wishes he was Black.”

Democrats continue to divide the country.

Although most of the media is focused on the word salad answers that Kamala gave during the town hall event (for good reason), what I was bothered by is how Winfrey (and Democrats in general) divide the country into categories while at the same time telling everyone that the Republicans are the ones diving the country.

Much time at the beginning of Winfrey’s town hall was spent on the “excitement” of all the folks who are helping to get Kamala elected – although she didn’t even delve into the fact that mostly they are just excited that Biden is no longer their candidate.

Divided we stand: Kamala’s segregationist cheer squad.

When Oprah bragged about the surge of support Kamala’s getting, she failed to mention the elephant in the room – that many in her “coalition” was either grouped by gender or race.

Groups like Win With Black Women, White Women Answer the Call, and White Dudes for Harris (who Oprah interviewed) painted a grim picture of a campaign fueled by identity politics. And don’t even get me started on the fringe groups: Cat Ladies for Kamala or Swifties for Harris. It’s not surprising, really. Democrats have always been champions of segregation and diving people, including their most recent efforts. They just rebrand segregation to make it appear that they are actually pro- whatever the group is that they are representing instead of being against the other side.

Remember all of those segregated [3] graduations divided by things like race, ethnicity, or sexual orientation? Those appeared to be insane to those of us who were taught about contributing to a “melting pot” and giving everyone “equality” – not the racist “equity” and “DEI” of today. But DEI and voluntary segregation are now things are defended by today’s left as normal, rational, necessary and oddly enough “inclusive.”

The Democrats also love to stir the pot when it comes to wealth, constantly pitting income groups against each other – painting corporations and business owners as villains, while the so-called “little guy” (many who don’t even pay taxes) are the heroes. To exploit the racial divide, they frame incidents involving a white cop and a black suspect as a racial incident and turn it into a national crusade, regardless of the facts. And with immigration, the left paints anyone concerned about all of the problems from an open border as “racist” and “xenophobic.”

And it’s not even because the Democrats actually care about one group of people more than the other – it’s because they care about getting their votes.

The word salad extravaganza.

Kamala Harris’ ability to dodge a straight answer at the townhall was also mind-boggling. One can’t help but wonder if she prepared for her past debate against former President Donald J. Trump by memorizing answers to questions she most likely got ahead of time – or listening through an earpiece. Because the Kamala we saw then and the one that stands before us now? Worlds apart.

Although Winfrey gave Kamala odd looks during the town hall, she still tried to help when Kamala’s comments veered into awkward and rambling territory. And, of course, the praise kept coming, with Winfrey describing Kamala’s reaction to becoming the Democratic presidential candidate as “stepping into her power.”

In reality, Kamala’s appointment as the new Democratic presidential candidate was a well- orchestrated coup to sideline old Man Biden – and the Democrats transitioned immediately into propping up the VP. Skipping over Kamala would’ve unleashed a tidal wave of backlash from Democrats’ own supporters and media, crying foul over race and gender issues.

In a curious twist, and perhaps to conjure up visions of former President Barack Obama’s “hope and change” movement,” Winfrey injected her trademark dramatic flair into the town hall, using the phrase “hope and joy rising” to describe the so-called Kamala movement – an odd label for what is, in reality, just a thinly veiled anti-Biden and anti-Trump effort.

Kamala, Second Amendment defender?

But the real peculiarity during the town hall event? Kamala’s pivot to gun rights. “If somebody breaks into my house, they’re getting shot,” she said, trying to pose as a Second Amendment champion in a room that was just 30 miles from the site of the Oxford High School shooting. Oprah looked like she wasn’t sure whether to clap or call security. Spoiler alert: the applause was scattered. The Kamala supporters don’t understand that she’s a liar and will say anything to get elected. Most of the audience was probably trying to figure out why a Democrat was endorsing gun ownership and then giggling about it.

Oprah realizes she may have endorsed a sinking ship.

The best part of the night to many wasn’t even Kamala’s gibberish – though it provided enough memes to last until election day – it was Oprah’s face: you could see the moments when Oprah realized she might have tied herself to a sinking ship. Yes, Oprah may have endorsed Kamala, but it looked like she might have regretted it halfway through the night. The others in the room may have also been thinking, “Is this really who we’re supposed to vote for?”

However, if the Democrats stick to their usual playbook, they’ll continue to rally behind Kamala – not for her policies, but because she checks the right boxes for her race and gender. She can also “Shake It Off” when things get awkward because the leftist media won’t pursue her with follow-up questions on her absurdity. That will result in Democrats voting for her because she fits the narrative they’ve been spoon-fed, rather than any genuine accomplishments or leadership qualities.