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Incendiary Rhetoric from Hillary Clinton Hits the Airwaves One Day After Second Trump Assassination Attempt

Step aside, “Orange Man Bad” – Angry Hillary Clinton is here to up the ante on the whole “lock him up” game with a new twist: “lock the Deplorables up.” That’s right, folks – if you’re not marching to the beat of the progressive drum, you might as well start practicing your mugshot pose.

And why is Hillary angry? Because she lost the presidential election to Donald J. Trump. It is something she will NEVER get over, that’s obvious. She’s like a scorned woman who just can’t stop talking about her ex-husband at the dinner party, listing all of his many faults and recounting every slight, real or imagined, while the rest of the guests roll their eyes.

She’s a bitter woman bitter and a sore loser, still blaming everyone but herself for her loss – and still dragging everyone else into her vendetta against a past she can’t rewrite. It’s like she’s stuck on repeat and the volume just keeps getting louder.

It was more of the same on MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow Show on Monday, when Hillary graced us with her presence to plug her latest book, “Something Lost, Something Gained” (her fourth memoir – because she needs THAT much attention). While being interviewed, she outlined her brave new world: a place where disagreeing isn’t just discouraged – it’s downright criminal.

“Be outraged” about what Trump says, Hillary demands.

In the wake of yet another attempt on Trump’s life, Hillary appeared on MSDNC to remind us all why we should be scared of Trump and lose sleep every night over every word he says.

Just one day after the second assassination attempt on Donald Trump’s life, Hillary Clinton didn’t hold back on her inflammatory rhetoric. She warned that Trump threatens the “physical safety” of immigrants and she labeled him “dangerous” several times. She also called him a danger to the entire world and rambled on about how Dictator Trump is the worst thing imaginable.

Hills went on to declare that America needs to be “outraged” by all of Trump’s words and vowed that “we’re not going back” to any of his policies. She also claimed that Trump’s “romance” with dictators puts everyone in “danger,” once again labeling him as “dangerous,” her favorite word of the day.

But Hillary didn’t just wag her finger at the Trumpster – she also took aim at anyone who dares to disagree with her narrative.

Yakking on and on and on about Russian election interference, Hillary called out [1] anyone else in America helping Putin to spread his Russian misinformation about the Democrats. She said, “There are Americans who are engaged in this kind of propaganda and whether they should be civily or even in some cases criminally charged is something that would be a better deterrent.” Hillary mused, apparently forgetting that the First Amendment exists.

You can watch the entire interview here [2] if you can stand watching Hillary and Rachel for that long.

This isn’t the first time or even the second time Hillary called for someone – anyone – to go after Trump supporters. She also thinks that the “basket of deplorables” need to go into reeducation camps.

Meme prison and deprogramming.

Hillary, in an earlier video, talked about “MAGA extremists” and said, “At some point, maybe there needs to be a formal deforming of the cult members.”

So what’s next in Hillary’s playbook? Prison bars for posting memes that doesn’t glorify the Democratic Party? Or hard time if we share a spicy social media post that questions the leftist mantra? I guess we should start practicing our prison push-ups if we take our first amendment rights seriously and have any social media accounts.

The future the Dems are planning for their political enemies: reeducation, incarceration, and zero room for debate.

From calling Trump a dictator to demanding Americans be “deprogrammed,” Hillary, Kamala, Joe and the rest of the Democrats are pulling out all the stops to censor us, scare us and keep Trump out of the White House – no matter the cost. It’s no longer about policy for them, it’s about control and stopping Trump from being president no matter what.

But remember: they don’t just want to beat Trump; they also want to crush anyone who ever cheered for him, worked for him or is contemplating running for president in the future on a MAGA platform.

We’re all on notice. The narrative is clear: fall in line, or we’ll make you.