New York City has once again demonstrated its unrivaled ability to take a bad situation and make it worse. The city’s controversial sanctuary laws, designed to shield undocumented immigrants from federal authorities, have come under fire for allegedly turning the Big Apple into the Rotten Apple of criminal havens.

According to the New York Post, migrants flooding NYC’s justice system are making up a whopping 75% of arrests in Midtown.

Jim Quinn, a veteran prosecutor from the Queens District Attorney’s Office, didn’t mince words when he described the city’s handling of crime to the Post: “New York City eliminated a tool to get rid of violent criminals. What a mess…The sanctuary city law is pathetic. It’s disgusting. It’s crazy.”

Talk is Cheap with Mayor Adams.

Mayor Eric Adams, perhaps feeling the heat from his office’s AC struggling to keep up with his city’s red-hot crime rates, has been vocal about reconsidering these sanctuary laws. But as it turns out, talking about change and actually implementing it are two very different ball games. Adams might as well be yelling at a brick wall – or, more accurately, a solid sanctuary wall – because the NYC Council doesn’t seem eager to pick up a sledgehammer to their policies anytime soon.

Moderate members have tried to introduce legislation to undo the mess, but the efforts are about as effective as a screen door on a submarine. It’s obvious that they just don’t give a rat’s rear end about any of their taxpaying citizens who are LEGALLY living in the country.

Referendum rejection: voters left out in the cold.

A proposed referendum to let New Yorkers voice their opinions on sanctuary city laws won’t even make it onto the November ballot. Surprise, surprise! So much for the people having a say. The radical leftists are running the show and they’re not about to let anything resembling democracy get in the way of their agenda.

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Without a public vote, the sanctuary law debate remains confined to the political echo chamber, leaving the citizens to deal with the fallout every day in their crime ridden city.

Bottom line: a bad policy that just won’t die.

Despite mounting evidence and growing discontent, New York City’s sanctuary policies continue to thrive in the face of common sense. Until the political will changes – or the politicians who are running the city change – New York can expect more of the same: sanctuary laws that protect everyone – except the innocent, the lawful and the actual citizens of the city, state and country.