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Hide Your Guns, Folks: Yes, Lyin’ Kamala Harris Said She Wants Cops Coming to Your Home for Them

Democratic VP and presidential candidate, Kamala Harris, has been spinning tales since Obama’s coup against old man Biden took place and the slept-her-way-to-the-top politicians was installed as the new savior of the Democratic party.

Kamala has been caught lying over and over again to the American public about who she really is because her radical positions are too nutty to actually get her elected if people knew the truth.

Yes, she DOES support the Green New Deal. Yes, she DOES support taxpayer-funded universal healthcare for illegal immigrants. No, she DOESN’T support a secure border.

And no, she definitely DOESN’T support the Second Amendment and law-abiding people having guns no matter what she says.

But she’s definitely going all-out to make people BELIEVE she’s pro-gun. During the presidential debate with former President Trump, she even promised, “Tim Walz and I are both gun owners. We’re not taking anybody’s guns away.”

A chick who can’t wait to peek into your gun safe.

However, a newly resurfaced 2007 video [1] shows the then-San Francisco District Attorney practically licking her chops at the idea of law enforcement busting into your home to check to make sure you’re being “responsible” with your legally owned firearms.

At a press conference, standing next to California’s Gavin Newsom who was Mayor of San Francisco at the time, she says, “Just because you legally possess a gun in the sanctity of your locked home doesn’t mean that we’re not going to walk into that home and check to see if you’re being responsible and safe in the way you conduct your affairs.”

At the time, she was advocating new gun laws (shocking, I know) as the “right” thing to do – no matter how leftist it is.

Kamala’s gun registry and other tyrannical dreams.

Kamala also said, according to the Daily Mail, “’We need to monitor where they live, have them check in from time to time and let us know where they are…Because when we’re starting to figure out who owned a gun or monitor their behavior…we need to know where they are.”

That’s right, Big Brother – or Big “Sister” in this case – will be watching you!

Gun owners, in Kamala’s world, should be treated like sex offenders and gang members. If you own a gun, you better check in with Big Sister Kamala, because she wants to know where you are, what you’re doing and if you’re complying with everything she wants you to be doing. After all, it’s not like you should be trusted with your rights or anything.

At the time, Tucker Carlson had basically said Kamala would bring an end to our country if we put up with her crap. That is still true today.

The National Rifle Association [4] also pushed back against Big Sis saying, “Kamala Harris wants mass gun confiscation, and she’s willing to weaponize the government to enter your home and seize your legally owned guns.”

Executive actions coming?

Guns are definitely a target of Kamala’s and have been for quite a while. At a CNN town hall in New Hampshire when running for president in the Democratic primary in 2019, a campaign official said [4] before the event, “Harris will say that she will use her authority as president to ban the importation of all AR-15-style assault weapons by executive action.”

At that town hall [5] in April 2019, Kamala, true to form, Kamala said that when she was elected Prez, she’d give Congress 100 days to “get their act together” pass “reasonable gun safety laws” and “if they fail to do it” then she will take “executive action.”

Getting into the White House by any means possible.

Now that Harris is gunning for the White House, she’s suddenly claiming she doesn’t want to take away anyone’s guns – but when you’ve spent years and years advocating for mandatory gun buybacks and sending cops into people’s homes, it’s hard to take her seriously. It seems the only thing Kamala’s more dedicated to than gun control is hoping we forget about her position on it.