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Death Wish Democrats: 28% Think We’d Be Better Off if Trump Took a Permanent Dirt Nap

In the latest round of Democratic insanity, a new survey from Scott Rasmussen’s Napolitan News Service [1] shows that 28% of Democrats think America would be better off if Donald Trump had been assassinated.

Yep, you read that right. Not impeached, not imprisoned – flat out assassinated. Apparently, a quick end on the golf course would have been more efficient than beating him at the ballot box.

Is 28% a low number? probably.

If you’re thinking, “Wow, 28% seems low for this crowd,” you’re probably onto something. Given how much vitriol is flying around these days, I wouldn’t be surprised if that number was a little low because the “too polite to admit it” contingent didn’t want to go on record with their true feelings.

The sheer level of disdain some folks have for Trump could fill a stadium – a thousand times over.

The poll of 1,000 registered voters – conducted just days after the second assassination attempt on Trump – reveals that 17% of all total voters would’ve been totally okay if Trump had been taken out of commission last weekend during the second assassination on his life. Nothing screams “democracy” like advocating for the violent removal of a political opponent.

Crazy people or conspiracy?

When asked why these assassination attempts keep happening, 45% of voters blame anti-Trump rhetoric, and 41% point fingers at the media. But let’s not stop there. A solid chunk of people think the shooter was just a “crazed individual” (46%), while others believe this is all part of some grand organized effort (33%).

Theories range from government agencies being involved to Democrats pulling the strings (34%), and even the possibility of foreign interference (33%). And 33% think Trump or his own campaign might’ve been behind the attempts. What would that entail? Some sort of PR stunt? I think maybe those 33% can also be defined as “crazed” individuals.

Trump might want to stick to mini-golf where there’s not so much open space.

This new poll serves as a grim reminder of just how toxic our political climate has become. As Trump said recently on the Gutfeld! show with Greg Gutfeld, “Golf is a very dangerous game.” So is running for president. but only, it appears, if you are the Republican candidate.