In a CNN showdown, Governor Gretchen Whitmer found herself dodging fastballs from anchor Kate Bolduan, who grilled her on Vice President Kamala Harris’ spectacular inability to follow through on her campaign promises.

The Daily Caller reported that Bolduan cited Republican VP hopeful J.D. Vance’s recent jab at Kamala, pointing out that she’s had three-and-a-half years to make good on her grandiose pledges – and she’s still got a lot of empty promises to show for it.

Whitmer, loyal soldier that she is, leapt to Kamala’s defense, claiming Vance just doesn’t understand the complexities of being VP. Because apparently, it takes more than just a functioning memor, good oratory skills, a sense of accountability and the ability to actually do something.

Whitmer tries to spin, cites thriving steel mills and American manufacturing fairytales.

Whitmer’s rebuttal was a masterclass in political tap dancing, saying, “Oh my gosh, when you look at just even in J.D. Vance’s hometown, a steel mill that is now thriving that was on the precipice of closing under Trump’s last term, it’s thriving now because Harris and Biden worked to make sure we are on shoring supply chains.”

The governor went on to scold Vance for his alleged ignorance, claiming his comments proved why we need “leaders who understand the job.” You know, leaders like Kamala, whose greatest hits include flip- flopping on fracking, the Green New Deal, and her new laughable stance on the border wall.

Kamala’s campaign promises: more changes than a top 40 hit list.

Kamala has treated her campaign promises like a bad playlist on shuffle. Remember when she was all about the Green New Deal? Or when she wanted to abolish ICE and compared the agency to the KKK? Yeah, those stances are now conveniently shelved under “that was then, this is now.”

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Kamala has been attempting a full rebrand on immigration as well, now promising to beef up Border Patrol after previously calling for the exact opposite.

Kamala even championed Medicare for All before eventually dialing it back to a watered-down version where you can still keep your private insurance. Gee thanks!

Promises not kept, but hey, at least inflation is “down”… sort of.

Kamala told CNN’s Dana Bash in her “cake” interview (and the only one she’s had so far since becoming the Democratic presidential nominee), that her inability to keep her promises is all because she’s been busy fixing the economy. That would be the economy that her and Biden and the Democrats wrecked after getting in office.

Meanwhile, her campaign website remains a ghost town of policy proposals – i.e. there are none. In contrast, Trump’s page reads like a crowded buffet of promises – take them or leave them, at least they’re listed.