It’s the courtroom drama nobody asked for but everyone’s watching, starring Orange Man Bad and Judge Juan Merchan, the legal acrobat who’s turning Trump’s trial into a Broadway show. Merchan, whose impartiality rivals that of a reality TV judge, recently denied a third recusal request in the so- called “hush money” case against former President Donald Trump. Apparently, the judge isn’t budging, even though his own daughter has raked in millions thanks to the Trump case.

Judge Merchan, who’s probably crafting his memoir “How I Sentenced a Former President and Made My Daughter Rich,” has his sights set on September 18th to deliver what some (including Andrew McCarthy) predict will be a prison sentence for Trump.

Coincidentally – or not – September 18th is just two days after early voting begins in Pennsylvania. Timing is everything and the Dems are desperate. Even though they have all of their media friends telling us that Kamala has the election in the bag, we all know better.

So this could be their last play to try to get rid of Trump. However, there is nothing in the Constitution that says you can’t be president from jail – so I say, bring it on. A move like that would only guarantee that Trump wins. But ultimately, the Dems know that too so Trump will most likely get bail pending appeal.

As September 18th approaches, one thing is obvious: this courtroom drama isn’t about justice; it’s about theatrics. Judge Merchan might think he’s the star, but the audience knows this isn’t a legal proceeding – it’s a political performance piece and it’s election interference, complete with all the biases, conflicts of interest, and smoke and mirrors we’ve come to expect when the Democratic apparatus gets together to take down a political opponent.