Donald Trump was back discussing one of his favorite subjects while visiting Howell, Michigan on Tuesday: crime. Trump spoke for almost an hour at the Livingston County Sheriff’s Office, telling all who were listening that America is drowning in a crime wave.

However, as bad as things appear to most of us, they’re probably even worse. It turns out, the crime stats that we are getting are probably about as reliable as a weather forecast from your local groundhog.

Cooking the books: how crime stats became the new fake news.

A lot of cities, especially the Democrat-run ones, don’t WANT you to know how bad things are going in their cities. They don’t want you to know about all of the assaults, DUIs, rapes, burglaries, home invasions, and murders – especially those done by illegal aliens.

But we can see what is going on in our cities and in the country with our own eyes. And with so many criminals not being held accountable by Democratic prosecutors and judges, things are just getting worse.

Trump’s latest trip to Howell, Michigan featured a lot of tough talk about rising crime, particularly in the big, Democrat-run cities. He painted a picture of a country teetering on the brink of chaos, all thanks to his favorite nemeses: the Dems.

Those same Dems point to FBI data shows that violent crime “decreased” in 2021 and 2022, after Biden took office – but everyone knows those statistics are totally fraudulent because they are incomplete.

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Trump dismissed those numbers as “totally unreliable” – which they are – because a lot of police departments don’t even bother to send the FBI their crime reports.

Fake stats.

Let’s talk about those “unreliable” crime stats. The FBI openly admits that since 2021, about a third of the nation’s 18,000 police departments have been skipping out on reporting their crime data. That’s right – your local donut shop might have a better attendance record than some of these departments.

Dems ignore reality.

The Democrats, in the middle of an election cycle, have been downplaying crime like it’s no big deal. About VP Kamala Harris, his presidential opponent, Trump said, “People don’t know the real Kamala but I do…She’s so far left. (We need to) stop the Kamala crime wave that is going on at levels that no one has ever seen before.”

Even with the incomplete stats that are available to us, Trump was able to cite the Biden-Harris administration’s track record on crime, saying, “Since Comrade Kamala Harris took office her administration’s crime stats shows presided over a 43% increase in violent crime.” Trump continued, “(And a) 58% increase in rape, 89% increase in aggravated assault, 56% increase in robbery.”

Truth on the lam.

So, what’s the real political crime here? Is it the Democrats’ alleged ignorance or is it the fact that we’re all being fed a steady diet of cherry-picked stats so they can win elections? Either way, it seems like the truth is getting mugged in broad daylight – and nobody’s calling the cops.